Digital Open Day Pondeuses J.L. Inc.


On November 24th, you will have the opportunity to participate at the digital Open Day Pondeuses J.L. Inc.  to take a virtual look inside the new breeder and pullet house of Jocelyn LeBlanc Family.

The breeder house is equipped with the Van Gent nest which is well known for its performances: hardly any floor eggs, high quality hatching eggs and its simplicity. The climate in the pullet and the breeder house is regulated by the ECO Units.

During the digital Open Day, Jocelyn Leblanc will share their experiences and engage in a dialogue about sustainability and high quality broiler breeder performances with several participants.


November 24, 2021


Session 1: 10.00 – 11.00 AM EDT – French
Session 2: 0.30 – 1.30 PM EDT – English

phone number: +31 497 517 380