Resources and tools to write a good biosecurity plan

Poultry industries in the United States (U.S.) have been in a unique situation after the 2014-2015 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak. Analysis and...

Dynamics and patterns of the egg industry in Latin America

In this paper, an overview will be given on the development of the laying hen inventories and of egg production between 2007 and 2017....

Brazil and USA: competition on the global chicken meat market

In 2017, the author published two papers on the dynamics of Brazil´s chicken meat production and trade, using data until 2015. In the meantime,...

Susceptibility of antibiotics used in commercial farms in Peru

Antibiotics are used in treatment of respiratory diseases mainly caused by secondary bacterial infections such as Escherichia coli. The widely use of antibiotics in...

Eggs to fight malnutrition in Nepal, Honduras and Ethiopia

Cobb-Vantress and OneEgg – an organization attacking poverty and malnutrition through sustainable community development – recently launched new chapters in Nepal, Honduras and Ethiopia....

EU-Brazil partnership for sustainable soy

The third meeting since the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding on a Brazil-EU partnership for sustainable soy took place on 21 November 2018...

Why tunnel ventilation is not a reality in Brazil

Brazil has vastly different poultry production profiles across its different states, each one with different ventilation practices, processes and realities. But one thing remains...

Multi-strain infection by infectious bronchitis variant viruses in broiler and breeder flocks in Latin...

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes a highly contagious upper-respiratory tract disease in chickens and some strains are nephropathogenic. The virus can also cause significant...

Marek’s Disease Virus concentration in Central Pennsylvania

Marek's disease virus, a herpesvirus that is the causative agent of Marek's disease, is a worldwide economic burden on poultry farming. However, little is...

Successful Hatchery-Breeder management is all in the details

“Successful hatchery and breeder management is all in the details,” remarked Chad Mason, broiler/hatchery manager at Columbia Farms, during USPOULTRY’s 2018 Hatchery-Breeder Clinic, held in...

Biotica innovation drive for Canadian market

New specialty market approval, scientific forum discussion and broadened adoption are all rapidly taking shape for the Nuscience elite level feed technology platform in...

Crop stress in Argentina

Lack of rain on the Pampas in Argentina this year lowered estimates for the Argentine harvest of corn and soybeans. With that notable exception,...

Belgium meets Brazil, Aviagen EPI and Belgabroed visit to Aviagen Latin America

Building customer relationships and sharing knowledge on a global and local scale is an Aviagen® core principle, and recently a visit of industry professionals...

Modest growth, environmental progress emerge in annual chicken industry data

Delmarva's meat chicken industry processed 4.2 billion pounds of Delmarva-raised chickens in 2017, resulting in a wholesale value of $3.4 billion, according to new...

Health and industry issues facing the US turkey industry

In preparation for this report to the USAHA Committee on Poultry & Other Avian Species, the subcommittee chairman, Dr. Clark, surveyed turkey industry professionals...

MEA Meeting in Brazil

MEA Meeting: “Order and progress,” the slogan displayed prominently on the Brazilian flag, was also befitting for the Ross® Middle East and Africa Association MEA. The...

House of Raeford’s affiliate Columbia Farms: leading the way in the USA

In the USA, House of Raeford’s affiliate Columbia Farms was first to adopt SmartCare™, with a Lifetime Services contract to support its state-of-the-art SmartPro™...

Ovoset Pro: A gentle workhorse

Tony Norris and his wife Susan started Norris Farms, a broiler breeder egg farm, 12 years ago near Swansea, South Carolina. Norris Farms consists...

The USA on their way to cage-free egg production

The Red River Valley Egg Farm in Bogata, Texas The cage-free discussion in retrospect The discussion about abandoning conventional cages in laying hen husbandry gained in...

Full house for Platinum Brooding Program

Dr. Stewart Ritchie and his team recently presented the popular Platinum Brooding® Program in Cambridge, Ontario. The extremely well received program is based on the...

A New Era of Veterinary Oversight: An Update

In June of 2015 The Food and Drug Administration announced their final rule on Veterinary Feed Directives. This rule is intended to improve how...

Brazil welcomes 85 million Petersime Easter chicks

During the Easter week, the first eggs were set in the new Petersime hatchery of Lar Cooperativa Agroindustrial in Brazil. It marks the official...

Broiler lameness in the United States

Lameness in broilers can result from both infectious and non-infectious sources. Some of the non-infectious sources maybe the result of genetic selection for fast growth and techniques such as reduced photoperiod can be effective in reducing the problem.

Broiler production and export in Brazil

Territorial extension and weather conditions are factors that give Brazil competitive advantage on agriculture sector and animal production based on grain. The country accounts for 22% of agricultural land in the world, 12% reserve of water, abundance of grain available to feed the animals, emphasis on sanitary protection, sanitary system recognized by European Union and other markets, competitive internal market, population, production systems vertically integrated, low broiler production cost and world class companies and brands.

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