Donato Moro, Director of Petersime do Brasil, retires after 25 years in incubation


At the age of 66, Donato Moro has retired from Petersime do Brasil Ltda after 25 years of service to the company.
The history of Petersime’s presence in Brazil is closely linked to Donato Moro. He began working with Petersime back in 1983, at the former ‘Petersime Industrial’ in Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil, as Production Manager, and later as Technical Director, a position he held until 1993, when Petersime decided to close its operations in the country.
In 2003, Donato was inivted to cooperate once again as a Representative, and later as Area Sales Manager for the Brazilian market. A few years later, in 2009, this led to the creation of Petersime do Brasil in Criciúma. Donato served here as Director, subsequently moving to the current office at Içara, where he was active until 2017.

Lorenço Neckel and Donato Moro

Donato Moro, with his knowledge and experience, was fundamental to the evolution of the presence of Petersime in Brazil. As per today, the company has several hatcheries all over the country, with a total of aprox. 650 single-stage machines and an incubation capacity of 15 million eggs per week using embryo-response technology.

Today, Petersime do Brasil has a local stock of spare parts, its own team of field service engineers, a customer service department and an incubation specialist, as well as local production of parts for both setters and hatchers.
Over the years, Donato has become a consultant both in technical issues related to Petersime equipment and in issues related to incubation. He has helped several Brazilian and Latin American companies to design, plan, install and expand their hatcheries. Because of his vast knowledge and dedication, he became a recognized personality in the industry.
During 2017, Donato shared the position of Director with Lorenço Neckel Jr. to ensure that all his experience and relationships within the industry were safeguarded and gradually transferred to his successor.
Donato Moro: “During all these years working, I was able to follow the evolution of incubation technology, from the multi-stage process to the current state-of-the-art single-stage incubation, with the embryo-response incubation technology. I want to thank Petersime for the opportunity they have given me in the development of my professional career.”
Petersime nv, and in particular the whole team at Petersime do Brasil Ltda, would like to sincerely thank Donato Moro for his years of dedication to the company, his cooperation and friendship. Wishing him many happy years of retirement!