Hy-Line International enhances genetic progress with new research farm

Hy-Line International President, Jonathan Cade (center), celebrates the opening of the Dr.Henry A. Wallace Farm with federal, state and local dignitaries and construction partners. From L. to R.: Dustin VandeHoef, special assistant for agriculture for US Senator Joni K. Ernst; Jake Chapman Senator from Iowa's 10th Senate district; Mike Naig, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture; Adam Gregg, Iowa Lieutenant Governor; Cade; Adam DoBraska, regional director for US Senator Charles Grassley; Jeff Goodman,Goodman Construction; Dr. Danny Lubitz, Research and Development Director of Hy-Line International;Michael Kidd, Mayor of the City of Dallas Center, Iowa.

Hy-Line International, the world leader in layer poultry genetics, celebrated the completion of its newest research farm today surrounded by federal, state and local dignitaries at a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Named for the visionary and company founder, Dr. Henry A. Wallace, this state-of-the-art investment located in central Iowa, USA completes another significant step in the drive for accelerated genetic progress in Hy-Line layers sent to more than 120 countries around the world.

We have a substantial responsibility in the effort to feed a growing global population with an inexpensive and nutritious source of protein – the egg,” said Jonathan Cade, President of Hy-Line International.The addition of the Dr. Henry A. Wallace Farm allows us continued innovation and genetic progress in Hy-Line layer genetics to accomplish this.”

We are making significant strategic changes in the Hy-Line breeding program to accelerate the rate of genetic progress,” said Dr. Danny Lubritz, Director of Research and Development for Hy-Line International. “Egg production and eggshell quality show higher genetic variation at older ages. The pedigree birds housed on the Dr. Henry A. Wallace Farm will be evaluated for these traits, among others, to help ensure continued genetic progress in persistency and shell strength.

Hy-Line’s team of geneticists is making the genetic engine more powerful and more efficient. The addition of the Dr. Henry A. Wallace Farm increases the population of research birds from which to identify the top performing individuals to populate the next generation. As a result of improved selection intensity, Hy-Line varieties are gaining increased egg numbers, persistency, shell strength, egg weight and feed efficiency.

Founded in 1936 by Henry A. Wallace, Hy-Line was the first poultry breeding company to apply the principles of hybridization to commercial layer breeding. Today, Hy-Line International continues to be a pioneer as the first company with its own in-house molecular genetics team leading the industry in application of DNA-based technology to its breeding and genetics program. Hy-Line produces and sells both brown, white and tint egg stock to more than 120 countries worldwide and is the largest selling layer in the American egg industry and around the world.