Indian River attracts customers to Training Academy in Vietnam


The annual Indian River Training Academy (IRTA), held Nov. 19-23 in Saigon, was enthusiastically attended by more than 70 delegates from 17 nationalities in the Asia and Middle East, Africa regions. The academy generated a noticeable number of very satisfied responses from the audience.
The three-day program kicked off with detailed presentations on the current trends of Indian River product development, breeder nutrition, breeder fertility, production and fast-feather management on the initial day. The following day encompassed chick quality during the first four days of the chick’s life, two important sessions on ventilation, best practices growing broilers and a closing presentation and interactive workshop on brooding, equipment set-up and installation.
The final day set out to update the audience on gut health in an antibiotic-free world, how Avian Influenza has influenced biosecurity improvements, mycotoxin diagnosis and analysis and a comparison of automatic and manual nest systems. The final moments involved a feed mill visit hosted by Mr.Junairi Sungkoro from Japfa Comfeed, who provided a unique tour to increase the visitors’ knowledge in feed production.
The total agenda consisted of 13 major speakers, 2 of which were guest speakers from allied industries, who brought their expertise and contributed to the interest and value of the program.

The meeting had a number of great topics that opened the minds of people from different fields. It was well-balanced and had relevant presentations, and some were very practical. I enjoyed the Q&A session,” commented Mr. Ang Kian Huat, AGM – Commercial Farms, Ceylon Grain Elevators Plc.
Eng. Khaled Elsheikh, senior technical service manager, TIBA Poultry Grandparents Co, Egypt, comments, “Biosecurity improvement and Avian Influenza update from Dr. Young-ho Hong will help us greatly in Egypt and gave us good information on the global Al situation and how we can minimize the risk of an outbreak in our area of Egypt.
Good feed mill visit. Very well organized, very clean, very impressive”, said Mr. Md Shahidul Islam, Business Development PM&N, Advance Animal Science Co.Ltd.
Marwan Hawari, GP manager, Acolid, Egypt, said, “The ventilation presentation was very practical and covered many of the farm day-to-day issues. I really enjoyed the talk and would like Bernard to visit our operation.”
The seminar was educational, informative and fun,” complimented Dr. Dan S Gamad, AVP/Bounty Fresh Food Inc.
Year after year we are witnessing more people attending the IRTA and providing a true reflection of the Indian River market support and the desire for more product knowledge. The Indian River team is reaching customers in each region with the most current product information. We will continue to host successful meetings like this one and work closely with our customers to encourage their success,” commented Mohsen Ganjaei, Indian River commercial and product support manager, Middle East, Africa.