Sabirs’ Group from Lahore, Pakistan chooses SmartPro™ from Pas Reform for new single stage hatchery


Sabirs’ Group, one of the biggest and best-known companies in Pakistan’s poultry market, has chosen Pas Reform’s SmartPro™ incubators for its new, single stage hatchery facility in Rahim Yar Khan, 600km from the group’s headquarters in Lahore.
Veterinarian Dr FM Sabir started Sabirs’ Poultry (Pvt.) Ltd in 1984 to deliver a high quality, affordable protein source and help to solve the problem of child malnutrition around Pakistan.

Over the last 34 years Sabirs’ Group has developed into a vertically integrated business operating breeder farms, hatcheries, feed mills, broiler farms and a state-of-the-art poultry processing facility. Sabirs’ Group currently produces around 180 million broiler chicks per year and it has recently launched a new brand for its poultry products – Sabroso. Now the group is opening a new hatchery facility and has chosen to go fully single stage, opting for 24 Pas Reform SmartSetPro™ 6 setters with a capacity of 132,192 hen eggs and 24 SmartHatchPro™ hatchers with a capacity of 22,032 eggs each.
Dr. Sabir comments: “I am very confident that our group has made the right decision in going with Pas Reform’s SmartPro™ single stage technology. We know that these incubators will help us to deliver excellent quality day old chicks to our highly valued poultry farmers around Pakistan. It is our goal to supply our customers with the best commercial broilers in the market in terms of uniformity, final weight and feed conversion ratio, as well as the lowest chick mortality.”
Gregory VanPutte, sales director at Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies, adds: “We feel that it is of great importance to the Sabirs’ Group to implement single stage incubation in the new project. We are confident that our SmartPro™ system, and the ongoing support that we can provide through the Pas Reform Academy, will help Sabirs’ Group to guarantee the best broiler quality for the Pakistani market.”