VIV ASIA 2023 is coming!


VIV Asia is the biggest and most complete feed to food event in Asia, dedicated to the world of livestock production, animal husbandry and all related sectors, from feed production, to animal farming, breeding, veterinary, animal health solutions, slaughtering of meat, processing of fish, egg, dairy products and more. 

This VIV hub event offers a unique selection of companies, including the global market leaders and regional as well as national Asian players. A must-attend for all professionals in animal protein production, including the downstream part of the supply chain, now boosted by the new co-location with Meat Pro Asia. In 2023 VIV Asia moves to a bigger venue to host a steadily expanding show!


AZA INTERNATIONAL, the Italian worldwide leader in automatic transportation and distribution of both animal feeds and industrial granules and powders, will exhibit at VIV Asia its new range of innovative and high-performance linear trough feeders and feed pans at competitive price designed to fully meet the needs of turkey, broiler, layers, pullets and poultry breeding farmers.
The company has recently introduced in the market a wide range of hi-capacity conveyors as well as its new conveying systems provided with pneumatic, electric or manual drops suitable to transport cut straw in cattle and pig farms. Last but not least, we have developed new solutions for the transportation of special pellet in fish farms. We invite you to discover all our new products on our stand Nr 2570. Our staff will be proud to welcome you.  

Booth: 2570
Web: www.azainternational.itEmail:


Barbieri’s wide range of products
The production of egg conveyor belts, extruded belts and ropes is the final act of a long process that begins with the choice of the best raw materials and continues with the production of high quality yarn.
Barbieri offers its customers a wide range of products:
• Egg conveyor belts made of polypropylene, polyester in different colors and measures from 50mm till 360mm;
• Extruded perforated polypropylene egg conveyor belt in width from 200mm to 500mm;
• Manure belt in different thickness starting from 0,8mm to 3mm and widths starting from 500mm to 2500mm;
• Perforated manure belt for dry systems;
• Perforated polypropylene floor for broiler cages;
• Polypropylene, polyester and polyethylene ropes in various sizes for feeding and drinking systems.
We invite you to visit our booth during the exhibition.

Booth: 2043
Web:  Email:


For more than 35 years, the Biochem team has been helping to improve animal health and performance worldwide. Our full range of high-quality powdered, liquid, and paste feed additives and dietary feed supplements support the health and performance of every animal, every production sector, and every need—including gut health, feed efficiency, immune stimulation, young animal nutrition, antibiotic reduction, and toxin management.
Our global team has a deep understanding of local conditions and is always at your service.

Booth: 3250
Video: TechnoSpore®


CARFED International LTD, worldwide leader in live bird plastic crates and in general, in plastic products for chickens, turkeys, ducks and pigs and trays for food, will show at VIV ASIA 2023 some of their top products.
Collapsible crates – easier be shipped overseas flat or nested reducing freight charges incidence – as
• MULTI 110 B0, basket for chicken transport, with Open Top with no side door, solid corners, of cms 108x58x27 available also with solid bottom MULTI 100 BO “T”, crate for turkeys transport of cms 97x58x42.
• MONDIAL Code 46, crate for chicken transport, with 2 Supermatic doors of cms 80x60x28.
• MULTI 100 OS, Open Side crate for chicken transport, with Top Sliding door and NO side door, NO solid corners, of cms 97x58x27.
• MULTI 100 C1, crate for chicken transport with Top Maximatic swinging door, with side door, of cms 97x58x42.
Besides visitors will find trays suitable for contact with any food and for freezing at -40 °C:
• Code 25FF, with perforated sides and bottom, not nesting, of cms 58x39x16
• Code 642FF, with perforated sides and bottom, of cms 60x40x20.
Eggs plastic crates and trays and Chick box for 100 Day old chick, will be exhibited as well. International LTD, worldwide leader in live bird plastic crates and in general, in

Booth: 1345
Web: www.carfed.itEmail: 


Corti Zootecnici s.r.l., world leader in the production of poultry articles with over 40 years of experience in the sector, confirms its presence at VIV Asia 2023.
VIV Asia has always been a consolidated event for Corti Zootecnici. During 2023 edition we will provide an overview of our products like feeder Infinity, drinkers 360° and vertical, egg and PP Belts and much more. Invite your friends and partners and come and have a close look at the new products and launches in the poultry sector. Our stand will be located in Hall 1 Booth 2383.

Booth: 2383
Web: www.cortizootecnici.itEmail:
Video: Corti Zootecnici s.r.l.


MagFans save 75% on our electrical consumption
“Our investment in MagFans paid off. The results were stunning. In the house equipped with MagFan consumption were cut by 75% compared to the control house – only difference being the fans installed. In fact, we have higher fan capacity in the house equipped with MagFans and still we come out with such a huge difference in power”, R. Syaprudin from PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia say.
“The future will bring warmer climates and increases in energy costs, no doubt. Fans will be running longer and harder and power consumption will increase. Therefor I am confident that the powerful, energy efficient and maintenance free MagFan is the fan for the future”, R. Syaprudin points out.

Booth: 2091
Web: www.dacs.dkEmail:
Video: MagFans save 75% on our electrical consumption (


Eurosilos Sirp will be pleased to welcome the visitors to Viv Asia 2023 at booth 19103.
The company is part of the Italian holding Telefri Group and is specialized in the design and manufacturing of fiberglass silos for the storage of products for livestock, agriculture and industry and for the different needs of local and international markets. Eurosilos Sirp guarantees to the customers all the necessary support for the design, the consulting and the production of any storage system for farming products and livestock feed.
Since 1972 Eurosilos Sirp has constantly worked with a great mission: to keep your value safe. In over fifty years, the company has constantly grown and improved. Today Eurosilos Sirp is a strong industrial entity, appreciated in Italy and abroad for its reliability and product quality.

Booth: 19103
Web: Email: 


Facco, leader in the poultry sector for over 60 years, will bring to VIV Asia the latest innovative technology, the result of years of study, research and experience. Join us at Hall 1 Booth 2050 to discover how easy it is to get the best results from your poultry farm thanks to our tailor-made solution for automation and remote control.
With Facco Smart Farm you have a constant monitoring of the animal to assure its wellbeing along with the correct function of the system to enhance your business and results. The remote assistance accompanies you since the very beginning with a 24/7 support for installation, maintenance and monitoring over time. We’ll welcome you at our booth to try first hand our systems and learn more about our wide range of poultry solutions and turnkey technology.

Booth: 2050
Web: www.facco.netEmail:
Video: Facco Turnkey Project- Layer and rearing house


Giordano Poultry Plast and its parent company GI OVO will be exhibiting at VIV ASIA 2023 in Bangkok in March 2023. During the show it will be possible to take a look at the wider Giordano Poultry Plast range covering every stage of production: incubation, breeding, livestock birds transport and post slaughter. In addition to the various GI-OVO proposals from the EggsCargoSystem® to the HatchCargoSystem®. Also present will be the brand part of Giordano Poultry Plast, Valery Technologies, which focuses on the design and customisation of solutions for the administration of vaccines and veterinary drugs.
Three guidelines have been chosen to focus on during this event: research and innovation, as well as the fundamental concept of environmental sustainability.
Over time, our companies have constantly updated themselves with regard to the design of new products, in order to optimise zootechnical production, through the conception of new devices for breeding and transporting both animals and food products, such as eggs and butchery products.

Booth: 2651
Web: – Email:
Video: GIORDANO POULTRY PLAST 60th Anniversary


Hendrix-Genetics Layers distributes parent stock and day-old chicks to layer hatcheries and egg producers across Asia. We focus on serving the Asian egg markets with our high-quality egg laying chicken breeds (Dekalb, Shaver ISA, Babcock, Bovans, Hisex), supported by our dedicated team of technical poultry specialists. Delivering the best day-old chick quality lies at the core of our daily activities, especially under today’s challenging times.
Our technical poultry experts are eager to help you bringing your operations to the next level. As we are a global player in poultry genetics, we can offer our valued customers a global perspective, by sharing best practices, and organizing training schools related to poultry management. We welcome you to our booth 2610, in Hall 2 at VIV Asia.

Booth: 2610
Video: Hendrix Genetics – Proven product performance in laying hens


Hubbard Conventional and Premium
Your Choice, our Commitment!
The Hubbard Efficiency Plus female and the M77 and M99 males perfectly match the needs of the conventional broiler markets looking for the efficient production of hatching eggs and chicks, efficient broiler growth, low feed conversion, good conformation and uniformity.
The Hubbard Premium product range offers a large portfolio of products with colour differentiation, slow(er) growth and excellent robustness. The latest addition to the Premium range, the Hubbard REDBRO, gives the best balance in terms of animal welfare, environment, and economics of any commercially available slower-growing breed and has been accredited by BCC, ECC and GAP.

Booth: 2722
Web: www.hubbardbreeders.comEmail:


Hy-Line is accelerating genetic progress, putting more selection pressure on increased egg numbers and shell strength while not overlooking other key traits. Egg producers are seeing more saleable eggs from balanced layers suited for their markets, which means more profit for producers. Hy-Line produces and sells brown, white and tint egg breeding stock to more than 120 countries worldwide and is the largest selling layer around the world.
Hy-Line layers are known for:
• Strong egg production
• Superior livability and feed conversion
• Outstanding shell strength, color and interior quality
Visit us at VIV Asia 2023 Hall 2 Booth 2650 or online at

Booth: 2650
Web: www.hyline.comEmail:


The right hen for every management – the right egg for every market. With this claim, LOHMANN BREEDERS has, until this very day, achieved excellent breeding results and has become the global leader in the production of parent stocks and laying hens in the last six decades.
With production sites, subsidiaries, and shareholdings worldwide, LOHMANN BREEDERS is well-represented in all key regions around the world. To underline this globally leading position, LOHMANN BREEDERS GmbH will be exhibiting at this year’s VIV ASIA. Convince yourself of our exemplary customer service, top breeding expertise, our unstoppable drive to innovate and close co-operation with customers underlining the company’s philosophy: Breeding for success…together!

Booth: 2830
Web: E-mail:


At VIV Asia 2023, Marel Poultry will present innovations in primary, secondary and further processing that are all ready to connect for success. Marel’s central theme will be ‘solving labor scarcity through automation and digitization’. Live cutting demos will be conducted to show the manual operations that have been successfully automated by intelligent and connected Marel solutions. To save labor efficiently while maintaining optimal productivity, smart software and interconnected equipment will be of highest importance.
Marel will reveal groundbreaking premieres in the areas of evisceration, portioning, convenience food production and software, including the revolutionary Nuova-i intelligent eviscerator and the all-in-one kakugiri cubing solution. 

Booth: 1350


Riva Selegg has been operating in the egg weighing and sorting sector since 1996. Since then we have been producing and marketing egg sorting machines with mechanical weighing up to 16,000 eggs/hour, and electronic weighing up to 20,000 eggs/hour.
Ours is a passion that has been able to renew itself over the years and that has never lost its primary focus: the customer. Every request we receive sets in motion competence, the desire to put ourselves to the test, as well as to take up the challenges that the global market is posing. Each project and each installation is an opportunity to put our wealth of qualified resources to good use. Each product is conceived and developed to simplify work and facilitate productivity.

Booth: 1641
Web: www.rivaselegg.comEmail:


Viv Asia 2023 is the perfect opportunity to meet River Systems and discover the latest developments in its range of poultry equipments for hobbyists and small farms.
Expectations are very high for the ET TOP incubator with Wi-Fi connection: it is fully integrated with the free River CovApp application. CovApp permits you to monitor and modify the incubation parameters from your smartphone, even remotely.
It will also be interesting to get your hands on Stabila, the patented egg stabiliser for incubators as well as see first-hand a selected range of feeders, drinkers, mills and maybe more… i.e. the brand new “Caleo” heating plate, which provides chicks with a constant and uniform heat thanks to its innovative design and patent-pending technology.

Booth: 2757
Web: www.riversystems.itEmail:


SmartVac™: the next generation of in-ovo vaccination and nutrition
We are delighted to invite you to visit us at the IPPE show (Hall B, Stand 3839), for a detailed view of our SmartVac™ vaccination and nutrition system. This new technology allows 100% safe, consistent and accurate in-ovo vaccination and nutrition. It delivers the injectables only into the amniotic fluid, thus preventing possible injury to the growing embryo.
SmartVac™ enables the poultry industry to apply a wide range of vaccines in-ovo, including Gumboro, Marek, ND and Coccidiosis vaccines. This is optionally performed in combination with nutritional components.
The Embryo Soft Touch® (EST®) sensor on the injector allows automatic and individual adaptation of the injection depth to each single embryo, regardless of egg and embryo size. 

Booth: 2710
Web: – Email:
Video: SmartVac™ – Next generation in-ovo vaccination and nutrition  


Socorex Isba SA is a Swiss manufacturer of adjustable and fixed volume self-refilling syringes for serial animal injections. Feed tube and vial holder models with volumes ranging from 0.02 mL to 10 mL. Ideal for fish, chicken, poultry, duck, goose, swine, sheep, and cattle. Their superior materials, long durability, perfect balance, ease of use and reliable field work are appreciated by professionals.
Special features:
• Long term reliability
• All parts interchangeable
• Fully autoclavable
Socorex exhibit at VIV Asia 2023 on booth 4720 in hall 3. Pass by to get more information about the Socorex® animal health syringes or check out our website

Booth: 4720
Web: www.socorex.comEmail:
Video: Socorex® classic 187 automatic syringes


Since 1961, SPECHT Ten Elsen GmbH & Co. KG provides a great variety of battery models for rearing, egg production, parent stock and broiler growing. Today, the company is a leading developer and manufacturer of poultry equipment and helps successfully to maintain the German high-quality image «Made in Germany» around the world.
Apart from this product range, SPECHT offers the complete equipment as ventilation, heating, and cooling systems. High professionalism and deep knowledge accumulated over many years qualify us to find the best solution for the various issues associated with the planning of new poultry farms as well as the reconstruction of existing ones, considering all specific conditions individually for each poultry farm.
Visit our booth Hall 1 – booth No. 2237 at the “VIV Asia 2023” exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand from 08 to 10 March 2023. 

Booth: 2237
Web: www.specht-tenelsen.deEmail: 


Quality is a lifestyle, not an advertising formula or an abstract concept. It comes from an endless commitment, from experience, from the deep belief that only through quality it is possible to reach those goals that are the only guarantee for a balanced development of any activity.
VALLI designs complete turnkey packages with a wide range of products for laying birds and pullets, from conventional systems to aviary systems, ventilation and electrical controls required and have the back up of well-trained installers. A worldwide network of qualified dealers keeps in close contact with the markets in order to provide a prompt service. CARE, DURABILITY, FLEXIBILITY, RELIABILITY and SERVICE are five concepts that deeply reflect VALLI’s approach.
“Come to touch” our products at VIV ASIA exhibition.

Booth: 2440
Web: www.valli-italy.comEmail:
Video: Valli Italy  


Vencomatic Group has been revolutionizing the poultry industry for over 40 years, delivering innovative solutions to improve bird welfare and save labour whilst maximising profits for their farmers worldwide.
Visit the Vencomatic Group booth (2010) during VIV Asia and meet up with the team of experts to discuss how our products can empower your ‘Egg Way’. Whether you are looking to start your journey to cage-free, save labour with Prinzen egg handling solutions or move from manual to automated nest systems, the Vencomatic Group can help you achieve your goals and maximise profits.
Pre-book an appointment with one of our colleagues or register here for a free entrance ticket. 

Booth: 2010
Video: Aviary system – Bolegg Gallery

Registration for VIV Asia 2023