Facing challenging goals
The goal of the poultry industry is to provide consumers with safe food, while promoting poultry health and welfare, in addition to carefully respecting the environment. However, the margins of the poultry business are largely dependent on feed costs. The poultry industry needs effective tools to achieve its goals, while remaining efficient and competitive.
GALLIPRO®, a direct-fed microbial (DFM) based on Bacillus subtilis has been shown to support poultry product safety while enhancing flock welfare and performance, providing an economic benefit through improved feed efficiency.
GALLIPRO, comprehensive mode of action
It has been scientifically proven that GALLIPRO, increases microbial diversity in the gut of birds, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and reducing pathogenic bacteria counts, while improving immune response and expanding the absorptive surface area of the intestinal epithelium. The result of these actions is an overall improvement of the intestinal function. Furthermore, the strain of Bacillus subtilis in GALLIPRO has been specifically selected for its ability to produce a wide range of enzymes involved in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, thereby, increasing digestibility.
The enzymatic profile of GALLIPRO is unique and adjustable to the substrate present in the gut. Thus, GALLIPRO produces enzymes that are best suited to digesting the specific feed composition.
The mode of action of GALLIPRO that globally enhances intestinal function, including the adaptable enzymatic activity, is the basis for its capacity to increase the availability of dietary energy, protein and amino acids, resulting in improved feed efficiency and performance in poultry.

Chr. Hansen Holding A/S
Boege Alle 10-12 – 2970 Hoersholm – Danmark
Tel: + 45 45 74 74 74
Fax: + 45 45 74 88 88