The HatchCare Project in Victoria, Australia


Viscon continues their worldwide successful journey in supplying state-of-the-art HatchCare automation by signing a contract with Ingham’s to fully automate their HatchCare facility in Victoria. The project will include all the latest technology such as Live Embryo Detection & transfer, stress-free chick processing and full data management accomplished by TREGG software. The project is expected to be commissioned by November 2020.

Viscon takes pride in the longstanding relationship with Ingham’s formed over the past 12 years. As far back as 2006, Viscon was selected as the automation supplier for the first large-scale hatchery in Queensland. In 2008 Viscon automated the group’s second hatchery in South Australia. This hatchery has been upgraded with a complete Live Embryo Select Line in 2016 and benefits from a cleaner and more bio-secure environment ever since.

Viscon is, therefore, extremely proud to announce that they have been selected again to supply the automation of this impressive HatchCare facility for Inghams in Australia.

“Viscon has proven themselves over the years supplying top quality machine lines and offering great support to our operations. We will continue our strong relationship with Viscon in this new HatchCare project and have full confidence in their HatchCare automation lines after having seen many reference projects overseas” Mr. Timos Lolis, Ingham’s Group Head of Capital Projects.

With this project, Viscon continues their journey to supply HatchCare automation all over the world. Currently a total of thirteen projects in nine different countries are equipped with Viscon’s HatchCare automation. The benefits of Viscon’s Live Embryo Detection are evident in each of these projects, ensuring that only living embryos are placed in the HatchCare system, which is crucial for a clean and healthy hatching environment.

TREGG software will be a central feature in this new project. Full data collection, from egg arrival to chick dispatch and a complete analysis of this data is performed throughout the lifespan of every flock. This software visualizes the hatchery performance and production efficiency data on a central computer to aid the hatchery manager in decision-making on a daily basis.

We thank Ingham’s for their confidence in and commitment towards Viscon and will maintain our strong relationship throughout the implementation and operation of this new project.