EU grains, oilseeds and feed value chain partners for a sustainable production

©Global Trade Review

EU grain and oilseed trade, crushing and feed industry sectors represented by COCERAL, FEDIOL and FEFAC welcomed the European Commission Communication on Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests, adopted on 23 July 2019 for a sustainable production and management.

“We acknowledge and support the European Commission’s ambition to raise public attention on deforestation and related climate change commitments at EU and international level, which are also reflected in the recent EU-MERCOSUR trade agreement chapter on trade & sustainable development.
We consider that setting up a permanent and effective multilateral institutional dialogue with exporting countries is the most effective way to address sustainable forest management and assist value chain partners to build responsible supply chains for agricultural products.
We therefore welcome the Communication provision of a reliable and predictable institutional framework, which links current private-public sector initiatives and sets up a structure through which public and private actors can improve the coordination and efficiency of their respective efforts to halt deforestation.
Conscious of their role and responsibility, the trade, crushing and feed sectors have been extensively engaged in initiatives and commitments aiming at removing products at risk of causing deforestation from their supply chains. Over the recent years, companies have made sourcing commitments in an effort to contribute to a sustainable production and mainstream market transformation for responsibly produced oilseeds and feed grain products, both from imported and home-grown origin.
Our three associations already coordinate actions taken by our own members in origin and destination markets, in order to serve EU demand for a sustainable production and (including deforestation-free) products. We are also engaged in partnerships with producer countries, so as to facilitate the mainstream transformation of the market into one supplied by responsibly produced grains and oilseeds used in food, feed and biofuel production.”

COCERAL: “Traders of agri-commodities, who transport grains and oilseeds around the globe on a daily basis, are conscious of the importance and the need to limit the environmental impact of their activities throughout the supply chain. They strive to ensure the delivery of safe food, feedstuffs, oils and fats complying with regulatory requirements, while at the same time supporting sustainable agricultural practices, including with regard to the risks related to deforestation. In this context, we are looking forward to participate in the Commission’s initiative aiming at protecting and restoring the world’s forests”.

FEDIOL: “Addressing deforestation starts with the implementation of environmental legislation in the country of production. However, the lack of financial incentives to avoid legal conversion of forests into agricultural land is proving to be an important missing element. Multilateral dialogue is key to understand how to best support producer countries in their efforts to curb down illegal deforestation and the EU vegetable oil and protein meal industry is committed to share its experience and reinforce these activities”.

FEFAC: “With the publication of the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines in 2015, the European compound feed industry has shown its commitment to contribute to a positive impact through the soy supply chain. Over 160 European compound feed manufacturers have now given their voluntary commitment to the sustainable sourcing of soy in accordance with the Soy Sourcing Guidelines in an effort to boost the development of a mainstream market of responsible soy use in Europe”.