Visit to Eurosilos Sirp


Eurosilos Sirp is a state-of-the-art production company, created in 1972 by Mario Telefri with their headquarters in Isorella, Brescia. Specialized in the production of high quality fiberglass silos for the conservation of raw materials; feed-stuffs; cereals; fertilizers; products for industry; chemical ingredients and products, Eurosilos Sirp is part of the Telefri Group, together with other affiliated companies such as Zincatura Bresciana; Italmix (producer of livestock feeders); Silos France in France, and Fontana in Slovakia.
Today, the company is owned by Dayana and Luigi Telefri, the sons of Mario, who have continued the family tradition by intensifying their activity, greatly expanding the range of their activities, and thereby making Eurosilos Sirp a solid and well-established production enterprise.

During our visit to their modern plant in Isorella, Guglielmo Zappini, Sales Promoter of the Export Office, showed us the production structure housed in a covered area of 12,000 square meters, organized in different warehouses dedicated to the production of fiberglass; metal parts; augers and tank wagons.

 “The silos and containers are made in various sizes and are available in numerous versions; they are designed to be shipped overseas in containers with capacities ranging from 2 up to 42 tons. Then, there are the monolithic silos, single body design mainly directed to the Italian market that are delivered by our company trucks, lifted by crane and placed on site by specialized personnel. We also supply several series of jointed vertical or horizontal silos with support rings, which allow several units to be transported in a single truck.
All our fiberglass silos comply with international static regulations. The company has been certified by the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Dibt Z-40-17-503 since the early 1980s and the international EN 1090 certification for the fabrication of metal structures.
Fiberglass silos have different properties which provide clear advantages over traditional metal or aluminum silos namely high resistance to corrosion; minimum maintenance (apart from conventional cleaning); minimum installation costs; excellent thermal insulation; minimum condensation sensitivity; resistance to extreme temperatures and mechanical resistance. It can be customized with the company logo or with that of the purchasing company. This is not a simple sticker on the silos, which could break off over time, it is a logo carefully impregnated in the fiberglass with duration equal to that of the silo itself.
To compliment our range of silos we also supply innovative tailor-made solutions for the conveyance of material to and for the filling and unloading of the silos. We also manufacture rigid and flexible cochlea systems that calibrate dosage; transport and management of distribution systems in feed storage layouts in livestock production operations.
The company also manufactures fiberglass boxes for housing calves in three dimensions: from the smallest that houses one animal up to the largest for 16 calves. We also sell feed box systems with a capacity of 2 or 3 cubic meters. They are very practical structures, movable using forklifts trucks and easily transportable. These are ideal especially for those companies with disadvantaged truck access. They are easily filled from above and have shutter drainage. The capacity can range up to 2 tons.
In the last two years we have also specialized in the supply of tank wagons for the handling of feed from the feed mill to the company. They have a capacity range of 35 to 200 quintals, and can cover every need.
The company has an entire department dedicated to logistics and equipment delivery and our network covers 40 countries. Exports stand at 80% of turnover, with the remaining 20% being sales to our Italian customers.”

Dayana Telefri then gave us an overview of the company’s philosophy and future prospects.
“Our activities are based on the concepts of quality and innovation. The path taken to achieve and develop these goals started a long time ago, and we have seen progressive growth up to our current specialization. Producing with quality means providing a product that lasts over time and has high performance levels. This also implies significant investments in economic and productive terms.
Fiberglass is the best storage material for its intrinsic qualities that are ideal for keeping feed in optimal conditions. The high thermal insulation prevents bacterial proliferation, which affects the nutritional qualities and negatively influences animal feeding. This is essential guarantee for the entire supply-chain up to the final consumer – from the feed stuffs to the table. The characteristics of resistance, non-conductivity and perfectly smooth surfaces represent a guarantee for the healthy quality of the product stored, with a positive and continuous response also on the welfare of the livestock.
Zincatura Bresciana of Verolanuova also contributes towards guaranteeing an excellent product at every level. Famous for its partnership in the creation of the Tree of Life symbol of Expo in Milan, and for the coverage of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation of Athens, which was founded by us about 20 years ago. The company operates at a very advanced technological level and we have a production facility equipped with a galvanizing tank that is among the largest in Europe (14.20 x 2.70 x 3.40) and we employ about 100 employees.
Italmix joined the Group a few years ago. It produces mixer wagons and, in a few years, it has grown considerably, going from 20 to 30 units per year to 150 today with sales not only in Europe but also in Japan, Iran and many other countries. Our own future objectives are directed at expanding into new markets, publicizing and promoting our high levels of quality while illustrating the advantageous characteristics of fiberglass, especially in those countries where the climate negatively affects the quality of stored product. It is essential to understand that a more advanced technology involves both greater productivity and unquestionable practical advantages from the point of view of health, ecology and sustainability – issues that today we are all particularly sensitive to.”

Maria Gabriella Maggini, Sales Manager of the Export Office, talked to us about the vertical control of the entire production chain and the importance of guaranteeing a product designed for the specific needs of each market.

“Everything is produced within our company facilities, which allows us to follow and to satisfy the diverse requirements of the market place. We are able to respond to everyone in a particular and appropriate way regarding the structure of the equipment, the make up of the metal parts and in the various components of the silos, augers, and unloading and loading and food distribution equipment. New applications are developed every day. We concentrate all the production at the Isorella headquarters, in order to have maximum control over all the processes. Each step is followed by a highly qualified and experienced team, combined with the usage of the latest generation of machinery and robots.
Galvanizing is a fundamental part of production. As Fiberglass is a quality material it demands that the metal parts of the silos are equally produced to a high standard to ensure lengthy durability.
For silos in areas close to the sea, which are characterized by high levels of salinity, further processing is required namely passivation – which protects the brilliance of the galvanization for longer.
Investing in quality is essential to optimize performance and to increase company competitiveness.
Feeding is the highest cost in any type of livestock production and feed is a valuable asset for farmers. Today, feeds are increasingly integrated and sophisticated, have a significant economic value in terms of efficiency, profitability and safety and require extreme care in storage. With our silos, growers are sure to get the best storage performance.”

For information:

Via per Leno, 1/A
25010 Isorella Brescia, Italy