Aviagen celebrates latest Ross Club Member from Northern Cypress

Kırnı Piliçleri is latest member of Aviagen Anadolu’s Ross 400 and 140 Clubs

Aviagen Anadolu’s Ross® 400 and 140 Clubs welcomed their latest member: Kırnı Piliçleri. Founded by Mustafa Hacı Ali (shown seated in photo), Kırnı Piliçleri is a major poultry meat producer in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The Kırnı Piliçleri team achieved Ross 400 Club membership by scoring a broiler performance of 409.38 European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF), while an impressive 145.23 chicks per 60 weeks on the breeding side ensured entry into the Ross 140 Club.

Setting a great example of skill and commitment
Aviagen Anadolu Senior Technical Operations Manager Africa Fernández Gutiérrez says her team established the Ross Clubs in Turkey last year to motivate producers in the region by demonstrating what can be accomplished when the genetic potential of Ross breeding stock is realized through hard work, dedication and outstanding stockmanship. Since then, the clubs have experienced a quick rise in popularity, welcoming multiple new members in ceremonies throughout the country late last year, with a steady increase seen in both broiler and breeder performance.
We congratulate Kırnı Piliçleri for their impressive achievement, and celebrate the success of all new club members. The Ross performance strides in past years can be attributed to positive progress in areas such as vaccination and biosecurity, along with balanced genetic improvements. Customers like Kırnı Piliçleri who apply knowledge, skillful husbandry and diligence set a great example by consistently striving for top broiler and breeder performance,” explained Aviagen Anadolu Senior Technical Operations Manager Africa Fernández Gutiérrez.
A dinner following the awards ceremony presented an opportunity for further idea exchange on current hot topics, as well as important networking and relationship building.

About Ross Clubs
Ross 140 Club membership is awarded to customers who have achieved a breeder performance of greater than 140 chicks per hen housed to 60 weeks, and 400 Club members have met or exceeded an EPEF score of 400 with their Ross broilers.