“BALTIKA”: guaranteed comfort for laying hens


The Baltika alternative system for laying hens is primarily focused on the creation of the most natural conditions for the birds. First of all, this “natural environment” reduces the level of stress in birds resulting in a positive effect on egg production.

The layer housing alternative system BALTIKA from the TEXHA company meets all the European requirements for layers and has already been implemented by the European poultry farms. This system provides the most comfortable conditions for laying hens and achieves high performance indicators.

The basic structures of the equipment are made of high quality galvanized steel, resulting in its strength and durability. Flooring allows pecking and scratching.

Every unit is equipped with a nest and a shutter, a special device for shortening the claws and green area for pasture. According to the European standards, laying hens have at least 750 cm2 of area per hen and suitable perches with at least 15 cm per each hen.

The alternative system for laying hens provides the possibility for hens to move throughout the entire system
The alternative system for laying hens provides the possibility for hens to move throughout the entire system

Wellbeing of laying hens requires timely feeding and sufficient watering. Thus BALTIKA is equipped with the appropriate systems. Watering system includes a water treatment unit, distribution water units and watering lines at each level. Every unit has been equipped by four nipple drinkers with drip cups. The water pressure in the watering lines is adjusted as systems are supplemented with tanks or pressure regulators. Thanks to the chain feed distribution system units and to the location of trenches along all the structure, the feed losses are minimized. Feed is supplied from the hopper to the chute, and is uniformly distributed through the entire length of the chain.
An integral component, which creates comfortable conditions to the birds is the lighting system. BALTIKA is equipped with energy-saving technologies. LED bulbs in all the units improve the light in the feeding and drinking areas. The mode “Sunrise – sunset” creates environment which are close to the natural one. Lighting system is reliable, suitable for cleaning and disinfection of all the structure.

Every unit is equipped with a nest and a shutter to create natural conditions for the laying hens
Every unit is equipped with a nest and a shutter to create natural conditions for the laying hens

Also the manure removal system plays an important role allowing a quick and efficient cleaning with conveyor belts and an immediate loading into the vehicle. The conveyor belts are made of high quality polypropylene.
Temperature and humidity indicators, the amount of carbon dioxide in the poultry house are controlled and automatically regulated. Climate control system includes a supply and exhaust ventilation system, the heating system, the moisture system for the air entering in the poultry house and an automatic system for maintaining a constant climate.

13/2 Perova Ave,Kiev,02125,Ukraine
+38 (044) 377-52-67