With a great turnout of over 550 participants in 2019 and plenty of positive feedback, it has proved to be a successful year for Petersime in empowering the participants of its Operational Excellence Days to achieve operational excellence in their hatcheries.
Sharing knowledge is of critical importance in the hatchery business. That is why Petersime organises a series of Operational Excellence (OX) Days, which take place in all corners of the world through the entire year. They are invite-only seminars, organised by Petersime, for professionals involved in the day-to-day management of hatcheries. Their thematic approach is best described as sharing hatchery best practices with the focus on achieving operational excellence at every operational level in the hatchery.
Turning a good hatchery into an excellent one, that is what the Operational Excellence Days are all about. Throughout the seminars organised in 2019, a multitude of best practices in incubation, preventive maintenance, bio-security and chick quality were shared by Petersime’s own specialists and guest speakers with long-standing experience in the poultry field. All topics covered had one common aim: to maximise the profitability of hatchery operations during the hatchery’s full life span. This approach is clearly appreciated by the OX Days participants: “This event has been a great opportunity to connect with others in the poultry field. The experts have shared many important and useful tips that can make a great difference in our hatchery operations”.
As Petersime holds the importance of constant guidance and improvement of a hatchery’s operations in high regard, we will continue to deliver on our promise of knowledge sharing in 2020. The number of Operational Excellence Days is increasing year by year. More people worldwide will have the opportunity to join and broaden their knowledge on how to achieve operational excellence – and thus the best return on investment – in their hatcheries. We are all set for a new year full of interesting seminars and look forward to being your partner in adding value to your hatchery business!