Aviagen Kft welcomes West Balkan customers to prestigious Ross 140 Club


Aviagen® Kft customers keep scaling new heights in breeder performance, as the popular Ross® 140 Club continues to grow in the region. 

During June 25-July 16, Aviagen Kft Regional Technical Manager for Central and Eastern Europe Dejan Bosanac took to the road to congratulate Galivet doo from Croatia and Aviprom 2011 doo, PP Topiko, Robins doo and Agroprodukt Sinkovic doo from Serbia for their excellent performance that gained their entrance into the Ross 140 Club. The club is reserved for customers who, through expert stockmanship, commitment and team work reach a breeder output of 140 chicks per hen housed. 

The highest scorer was Aviprom 2011 doo, achieving 160.2 chicks per hen house. 

Laszlo Sinkovic Jr. from Agroprodukt Sinkovic pointed out that these results were accomplished despite the challenges of the past year. “This excellent performance is a tribute to the true dedication of our entire production team, and we hope to continue this trend with our Ross 308 flocks going forward.” 

Dejan agreed that the performance seen was especially commendable given the difficult circumstances. “Our valued customers still managed their flocks and gave them the highest level of care at every stage – from rearing to the hatchery – getting results that are outstanding in every way. We are extremely proud of them, and these awards are a small token to underline our appreciation.”