Cobb Repairs Chinese School’s Water Tower in honor of International Children’s Day


To commemorate International Children’s Day in China, Cobb sponsored the repair of a water tower in Suizhou, Hubei province in Central China. Cobb selected this location because it operates a grandparent poultry farm in nearby Guanzhuang village.

The water tower provides critical drinking water for Guanzhuang Elementary School. However, after more than three decades in service, the water tower rusted and was in need of repair. Cobb paid for the repairs, which included a new pump and fresh paint.

It was an honor for the Cobb team to be a part of this special day and to give back to the community of Guanzhuang,” said Pelayo Casanovas, general manager for Asia-Pacific at Cobb. “June 1st is one of my favorite days each year because we have an opportunity to connect with the community and give back.”
Celebrated annually on June 1, China has a unique take on International Children’s Day — known as the International Day for Protection of Children in other nations. Many Chinese families take the day off so that parents can give the gift of quality time to their kids. Area schools and communities often organize performances for families to attend together, celebrating the rights of children and encouraging health and happiness.

Cobb revealed the water tower repairs during a celebration at the school. In addition to the repairs, Cobb donated T-shirts and custom artwork featuring the water tower, both of which were presented during the Children’s Day performance. A stationary study pack was also given to each of the school’s top achievers.
We are very appreciative of Cobb’s involvement in our small community where many families are struggling to provide for children,” said He Kedong, principal of Guanzhuang Elementary School. “Cobb’s generosity will enable us to better focus on achieving academic excellence and physical wellness of our students.”

Last year, Cobb donated a school library with over 2,000 books and a collection of athletic equipment to the elementary school. Additionally, the company provided desk lamps and watches to students with extraordinary academic achievements.
To learn more about how Cobb gives back to the communities in which it operates, please visit