The Shell Egg Academy (SEA) from Purdue University Extension is looking ahead to 2022 with optimism, after a very successful virtual event in June 2021 that brought together over 65 participants to learn about egg quality and food safety from academia, government regulators, and egg industry experts.
Based on feedback from the SEA Planning Committee and participant survey results, the 2022 Shell Egg Academy events will be held as follows:
- April 25-29, 2022 – An in-person SEA will be held in Lafayette, Indiana, and geared toward managers of egg companies and those in similar positions who are looking for deeper dive class sessions and networking on egg quality and food safety.
- August 15-19, 2022 – A virtual SEA will be held on Zoom and focus on egg quality information and an interactive experience that is useful for employees who work in egg barns and processing plants – more of an “Eggs 101” approach with the ease of joining from their computers.
“The 2021 Shell Egg Academy’s virtual edition provided a high level of information and interaction for participants seeking to further their knowledge about egg quality and egg safety,” said Dr. Darrin Karcher, SEA founder and Associate Professor and Poultry Extension Specialist at Purdue University. “We’re excited to build upon this success and provide two distinct learning opportunities to fit the needs of the egg industry in 2022.”
Full schedules for each SEA event will be fleshed out this fall by the planning committee and posted to the SEA’s website, www.shelleggacademy.org, when available.
Registration and sponsorship opportunities opened in early January 2022.
Program questions about the academy may be directed to Dr. Darrin Karcher at dkarcher@purdue.edu.
To be added to the SEA’s email list to be alerted when new information is available and registration opens, please email info@empoweredeventsllc.com or call 763/284-6763.