This year IPPE will offer the largest trade show floor in IPPE’s history, covering all three halls of the Georgia World Congress Center. “Ninety-eight percent of the show floor has been booked. We are pleased with the expanded show floor square footage and the level of exhibitor participation. This is going to be an exciting show that you will not want to miss,” stated IPPE show organizers. IPPE is sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the North American Meat Institute (NAMI).
The 2019 IPPE will provide attendees with a full week of education programs, innovative technology, engaging activities on the show floor and enhanced networking opportunities with key leaders from the animal food, meat and poultry industries. The vast trade show floor will showcase the latest technology, equipment and services used in the production and processing of animal food, meat and poultry products. Combining the expertise from AFIA, NAMI and USPOULTRY, IPPE will also feature more than 200 hours of dynamic education sessions focused on current industry issues.
2019 Dates
Feb. 12 – 14, 2019
Show Times
Tues., 10 A.M. – 5 P.M. Wed., 9 A.M. – 5 P.M. Thur., 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.
Georgia World Congress Center 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW Atlanta, Georgia USA
For more information visit www.ippexpo.org
ARION FASOLI – arionfasoli.com – Hall C – Booth 9565
ARION FASOLI SRL comes back to the IPPE exposition with big technological news for the poultry industry.
“Come and meet us on our booth nr 9565 Hall C and we will introduce you the new line “TRIO” and much more… Stay tuned!”
Email: nicolabonetti@arionfasoli.com
AGRITECH – agritech.it – Hall C – Booth 11666
Agritech srl, the Italian leader in the design and manufacturing of fiberglass silos with a more-than 20-year long presence at IPPE shows, will participate again to the 2019 edition. Agritech offers a large variety of products in addition to silos, that are: silo transport systems such as rigid and flexible screw conveyors, a wide range of outdoor shelters for animals, truck tanks available both with auger and pneumatic discharge. The company is also developing a new app for monitoring the condition of the silos such as temperature, weight and humidity of the feed stocked in the silos.
Email: agritech@agritech.it
AVIAGEN – aviagen.com – Hall C – Booth 10629
Aviagen welcomes visitors and clients to booth C10629, where they will showcase their full line of poultry breeding stock specially bred for the best health, welfare and performance. The company’s Global Reach, Local Touch theme underscores their mission to grow their global business while remaining committed to local customers and their communities. One way they strengthen their success is by offering the right bird for the right market – from the traditional Ross®, Arbor Acres® and Indian River®, to the slower-growing Rowan Range® and Specialty Male® brands. Aviagen looks forward to seeing you!
Email: info@aviagen.com
AVIAGEN TURKEYS – aviagenturkeys.com – Hall C – Booth 10629
Aviagen Turkeys is the premier primary breeding company developing Nicholas and B.U.T. pedigree lines for the global turkey industry. The Nicholas Select is the industry standard for efficient, high meat yielding turkeys. The B.U.T. 6, now available in the U.S.A, is a robust turkey that is the European leader for efficient meat production. The B.U.T. Premium is a flexible heavy strain turkey that combines weight, yield and livability. Visit the Aviagen Turkeys team in Hall C booth 10629 to discuss the industry leading performance of Nicholas and B.U.T. turkeys.
Email: turkeysltd@aviagen.com
BIG DUTCHMAN – bigdutchmanusa.com – Hall C – Booth 9543
Big Dutchman develops and sells the world’s leading poultry equipment for layers, broilers, breeders and turkeys. Progressive colony or cage-free housing for layers, well proven feeding and egg handling systems, smart ventilation concepts as well as specialized feeding and nesting systems for breeders are only examples of Big Dutchman’s many products and solutions for profitable poultry production.
Email: bigd@bigdutchmanusa.com
CORTI ZOOTECNICI – www.cortizootecnici.com – Hall C – Booth 11663
Corti Zootecnici Srl, world leader in poultry equipment with over 40 years of experience, proudly confirms its participation at IPPE 2019, an exhibit that offers unique insights and contacts in relation to worldwide markets. The company is daily committed to research innovative solution. In this edition the company will show:
- 4006 i MULTI-FLOW: the new total steel nipple drinker with a perfect capacity and extra-soft opening action.
- INFINITY TZC3: the new smaller pan feeder optimized for the perfect growth-curve along the whole life cycle.
Email: info@cortizootecnici.com
Reduce your heating costs by 50% with DACS – dacs.dk – Hall C – Booth 11814
“Our strict focus on energy efficient climate solutions gives you distinct advantages without compromising in-house climate. By providing ideal airspeed and plenty of oxygen the Corona air inlet system keep the house dry and support the animals’ metabolism and growth. By utilizing the warm air in the roof space the Corona cut heat consumption by as much as 50%.”
Email: nd@dacs.dk
FACCO – facco.net – Hall C – Booth 11925
Food quality requires today innovation skills and focus on the whole supply chain, from feed to egg. IPPE Atlanta 2019 will give the opportunity to discuss and share new ideas and Facco, for over 60 years world leader in the poultry field, will welcome you with the complete range of avant-garde poultry solutions. Facco (worldwide presence in more than 75 countries) will display the most advanced technologies: free range, cage free and traditional vertical cages market, developed thanks to the close connection with customers and being a forerunner of the market changes. Highly qualified in Turnkey Solutions, Facco will be your partner in designing, analyzing data and managing projects using the most advanced technologies developed internally for your SMART FARM.
Email: facco@facco.net
GASOLEC – gasolec.com – Hall C – Booth 11553
Gasolec will be present at the IPPE 2019 to show its range of Infrared Radiant Brooders from 1,700 Btu to 42.000 Btu. For the M-types they will be showing recent developments on the round burners for the M5 and M8. IPPE visitors will be even more intrigued about changes in the air intake of the M-type heaters to reduce maintenance costs. The G12 heaters are there to show their longevity and efficiency. Gasolec heaters: stainless steel products, designed to be cleaned with water and to be disinfected for use in modern poultry and pig production.
Email: sales@gasolec.com
GIORDANO POULTRY PLAST – poultryplast.com – Hall C – Booth 11277
Giordano Poultry Plast SpA operates on the market since 55 years, being present in all 5 continents with more than 60 distributors and several direct customers. Their huge range of products includes manual & automatic Drinkers & Feeders, poultry transport Crates/Containers for slaughtered birds, breeder & poultry Slats, Eggs Cargo System® and vaccination Devices.
Email: info@poultryplast.com
GI-OVO – gi-ovo.com – Hall C – Booth 9314
The company designs creates and produces logistic solutions as well as packaging for the egg industry. Target customers are egg graders, processers, hatcheries and retailers. The EggsCargoSystem®, created more than 20 years ago, is composed by a specific plastic pallet, a plastic divider to separate the stacks and plastic egg trays with a smart design, offering an optimal egg protection. GI-OVO supplies 5 global brands: EggsCargoSystem® – HatchCargoSystem®– Eggyplay®– Pallet&Co® and All Clear®.
Email: sales@gi-ovo.com
HENDRIX GENETICS – hendrix-genetics.com – Hall C – Booth 11311
Hendrix Genetics invites visitors and clients at their booth, where they will be exhibiting all genetic brands for turkeys (Hybrid Turkeys), layers (Dekalb, Shaver, Bovans, ISA, Hisex, and Babcock), and traditional poultry (Sasso). Members of their global team, including sales and technical service representatives, veterinarians, and senior management will be waiting to greet local and international guests. They will be available to discuss our ongoing investment in the industry and dedication to supplying quality genetics throughout the value chain. Recent trends, such as antibiotic-free and cage-free production, have opened up new areas of opportunity.
Email: info@hendrix-genetics.com
HUBBARD Conventional and Premium; Your Choice, Our Commitment! – hubbardbreeders.com – Hall C – Booth 10431
Hubbard’s Conventional product range is highlighted by its highly productive breeder females mated with the white or yellow skin males, tested best in class for fertility and FCR. The Hubbard M22 male delivers additional breast meat for the de-bone markets. Hubbard, global leader in the Premium market, offers a wide range of products with color differentiation, slow(er) growth and excellent robustness responding to changing consumer demand for high animal welfare standards and quality.
Email: contact.americas@hubbardbreeders.com
HY-LINE International – hyline.com – Hall C – Booth 10743
Hy-Line is accelerating genetic progress across all genetic lines, putting more selection pressure on increased egg numbers and shell strength while not overlooking other key traits. “We are achieving progress in all lines faster than has ever been seen before,” noted Dr. Danny Lubritz, research and development director for Hy-Line International, in a recent discussion regarding Hy-Line’s intensified efforts in genetic selections. Hy-Line’s geneticists make the genetic engine, more powerful and efficient. In fact, the recent pure line selections have documented a considerably higher response than achieved in previous years. Hy-Line produces and sells brown, white and tint egg breeding stock to more than 120 countries worldwide and is the largest selling layer around the world. Hy-Line layers are known for: strong egg production; superior liveability and feed conversion; outstanding shell strength and interior quality.
Email: info@hyline.com
JAMESWAY Incubator Company – jamesway.com – Hall C – Booth 10663
A Worry Free Hatchery is a state of mind. It means that you know your equipment is solid, that your HVAC is efficient and that your embryos are nestled in the perfect environment. Jamesway is the partner you need to hatch quality chicks with complete confidence.
“Join us at the IPPE where we will feature our Platinum 2.0 Single-Stage and the new XCM CM multi-stage to single-stage replacement. Jamesway’s Platinum Single-Stage machines feature high bio-security, easy cleaning, and easily accessible controls, which produce high quality day-old chicks and ducklings.”
Email: marketing@jamesway.com
MAREL Poultry – marel.com/poultry-processing – Hall B – Booth 4211
At Marel’s booth, you can learn about the entire range of Marel Poultry processing solutions, from live bird handling to packing and labeling. They will highlight one of their many integrated solutions demonstrating a seamless equipment flow. The company will also have on display their ATLAS live bird handling system and CAS SmoothFlow. The technologically advanced SmartStack module not only gives high attention to animal well-being but also increases efficiency. The CAS SmoothFlow multiphase concept ensures the most humane anesthetization while securing product quality.
Email: info.poultry@marel.com
MEYN, Let’s Work! – meyn.com – Hall B – Booth 5413
Meyn offers the latest technology in processing equipment from live bird handling to deboning for a wide variety of line speeds and bird sizes, allowing its customers to achieve a high level of productivity with a minimum of labor. During the trade show, poultry processors can discover the innovative solutions of Meyn to deal with labor challenges like labor shortage, labor safety, and quality & consistency of working. For this year, their campaign slogan will be ‘Let’s Work’, which means Meyn provides relevant solutions to help the customer with his labor challenges.
Email: sales@meyn.com
Ground breaking MOBA innovations at IPPE – moba.net – Hall C – Booth 9953
Shell strength detection: Distinguish weak from strong shelled eggs with Moba’s shell strength detection. The result: a batch of average quality eggs is graded in a way that the weaker eggs are filtered out to industry or other 2nd priority destination.
iMoba: Benchmark your performance with iMoba without compromising data confidentiality. With ease best practices can be shared, realistic targets set, and against the anonymous benchmark data, identifying where the growth potential for your company is.
Email: sales@moba.net
PAS REFORM SmartStart™: A fresh approach to post-hatch feeding – pasreform.com – Hall C – Booth 11049
A unique partnership between Pas Reform, biotech start-up In Ovo, DSM Premix company Twilmij and Philips NatureDynamics has led to a flexible, ground-breaking post-hatch feeding solution that gives newly hatched chicks the earliest possible access to feed, water and light: SmartStart™. SmartStart™ uses natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) to retain water inside a semi-moist feed. The system offers a perfect start for newborn chicks, enabling them to eat, if they want to, from the moment of hatching. It promotes the development of robust day-old chicks and helps to reduce the need for antibiotics. SmartStart™ enables hatchery managers to apply post-hatch feeding where it will have most benefit and its components can be applied individually or in combination. The system is easily integrated into existing hatcheries and can be applied to some or all flocks; in one, two, or all hatchers. It comprises two key elements that can be applied individually or together: precision feeding and intelligent lighting.
Email: info@pasreform.com
PETERSIME will put latest innovations in the spotlight – petersime.com – Hall C – Booth 9529
Petersime, world leader in incubation and hatcheries, looks forward to presenting no less than 4 new product developments, including their new range of standard automation solutions. Of course, their top-notch incubators, Operational Excellence Programme™ and other renowned products and services won’t be left out. Visit Petersime and discover how their solutions will help you to maximize your profit for life.
ROXELL – www.roxell.com – Hall C – Booth 10929
Titan, a new XL feeder pan for turkeys
Come to IPPE and discover Titan for heavy turkeys: a new XL feeder pan for better growth results. Titan is the biggest turkey pan on the market. Expect bigger and comfortable eating places with higher openings. Get 17% more feeding space compared to other large feeder pans. For farmers it is a big timesaver. Titan has central feed adjustment (optional) and is easy to clean. Be the first to find out more about this robust solution.
Email: info@roxell.com
SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP; One supplier for your egg business – sanovogroup.com – Hall C – Booth 9505 / 9709
The complexity of today’s modern egg processing, grading and robotic automation installations is very high and it requires expertise and knowledge to make a successful integration. At SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP, they have the know-how and resources to handle all aspects of your complete plant including the best service and support in the industry. Stop by their booth and learn how they can help turn your eggs into a valuable business. They will exhibit a wide range of solutions for the egg industry within graders, breakers, robotic automation, farm-packers, hatchery packers, pasteurizers, enzymes, spray dryers, hard-boiled eggs and much more.
Email: info@sanovogroup.com
SKA – ska.it – Hall C – Booth 11876
SKA has been manufacturing complete solution for the poultry industry for over 60 years.
“With two production plants in Italy, we are the ideal partner for your expansion, no matter the size. We can help you coming up with complete solutions for your free range, pasture and organic productions, ranging from turnkey mobile houses to custom-made small farming equipment. See you at IPPE International production & Processing Expo in Atlanta at our booth Hall C&C LOBBY Stand C11876.”
Email: ska@ska.it
SPECHT Ten Elsen – specht-tenelsen.de – Hall C – Booth 11077
Since 1961, the SPECHT Ten Elsen GmbH & Co. KG Company provides a great variety of cage types for rearing, commercial layer eggs, parent stock production and broiler growing to customers all over the world. A high level of professionalism and deep knowledge accumulated over many years qualify the company to find the best solution for each poultry farm taking into account all specific conditions.
Email: info@specht-tenelsen.de
TPI-Polytechniek – tpi-polytechniek.com – Hall C – Booth 11467
The IPPE Atlanta is a great chance for TPI-Polytechniek to show the latest in their program and to meet trusted clients and new prospects. During this year’s exhibition the company will again be present to show their most suitable wall and ceiling inlets for the agricultural market in the U.S.A. Their unique polyurethane formula makes for the best insulation values in the market, this is what sets the company apart.
“Are you curious to our program and what we can offer? Come visit us at booth 11467 in hall C, let’s talk ventilation!”
Email: info@tpi-polytechniek.com
VAL-CO – val-co.com – Hall C – Booth 10753
Visit VAL-CO to see their newest products, as well as some classics. This year, the company will be showcasing the new Hemisphere® Z-Pro Mixing Fan to reduce temperature variations in a new low profile design, the new Aurora™ IR low-profile brooder now in a High Pressure model, and the new low flow Roaster nipple; all of which are perfect for ABF production. Also see their latest fans, and the Comfort Nest with extra wide nest holes.
Email: intl.sales@val-co.com
VALLI – valli-italy.com – Hall C – Booth 10753
Alternative systems for pullets and laying hens have shown a growing interest in Europe and elsewhere. VALLI offers a wide range of models in order to satisfy every need at any latitude. VALLI experience is the best guarantee to purchase excellent products and services to give value to their customers’ investments. With Baby AREA your pullets will be properly raised to produce the best eggs in different types of equipment that VALLI has prepared for all needs: VLV Plus, CASTELLO, CASA, AREA e PIRAMIDE; they compose the wide range of models that VALLI offers for the breeding of laying hens in the Aviary Systems.
Email: info@valli-italy.com
VENCOMATIC GROUP; Questions about cage-free production answered – vencomaticgroup.com – Hall C – Booth 10709
It’s no secret that “change is coming.” In fact, change is already underway as North American egg producers are faced with cage-free housing compliance. Vencomatic Group understands your cage-free challenges and concerns, and our equipment innovations work to make management easier. “We are more than able to provide evidence and insights that may prove vital to your decision-making process. Allow our 30 years of experience in cage-free systems assist you in making plans for the future of your business”.
Email: info@vencomaticgroup.com
VOSTERMANS Ventilation – vostermansusa.com – Hall C – Booth 11863
Vostermans Ventilation manufactures a wide range of Multifan axial fan products for agricultural (greenhouse, pork, poultry, dairy) and industrial applications. Motors are produced in-house and the correct motor-impeller combination results in optimal performance. Multifan products are well-known for consistent high quality, durability and longevity with worldwide availability. With new technologies, we are addressing the need for more energy efficient fans.
Email: ventilation@vostermansusa.com