IPPE 2020, the world’s largest annual poultry show


The IPPE trade show floor continues to grow with more than 545,500 square feet of exhibit space and 1,148 exhibitors.

IPPE anticipates more than 32,000 attendees and will provide a full week of education programs, innovative technology, engaging events on the show floor and enhanced networking opportunities with key leaders from the animal food, meat and poultry industries. The vast trade show floor will showcase the most current technology, equipment and services used in the production and processing of feed, meat and poultry products. Combining the expertise from the American Feed Industry Association, North American Meat Institute and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, IPPE will also feature more than 200 hours of dynamic education sessions focused on the latest industry issues.

For more information and to register for the 2020 IPPE, visit www.ippexpo.org.


AGRITECH – www.agritech.itHall C – Booth 11347

Since 1987 Agritech has been a leading company in the design and manufacturing of bulk storage systems both for dry and liquid prod­ucts in the animal farming sector. Our highly resistant, durable and non-corrodible fiberglass silos cover a capacity range from 2 to 100 m3 and we also manufacture a wide range of bulk material loading and unloading conveyors, such as stationary and portable screw conveyors, feed transport tanks, flex augers. Moreover, our experi­ence in the processing of fiberglass led us to develop shelters and modular stables to host free range animals (dairy, swine, poultry) which are also available with proper insulation for severe environ­mental conditions.
Email: agritech@agritech.it

AVIAGEN features “Breeding Sustainability” – www.aviagen.com – Hall C – Booth 10629

Aviagen demonstrates commitment to our birds, the people in the communities we serve, and our natural world by “Breeding Sus­tainability.” Through genetic advancements and balanced poultry breeding, we help to sustain the world’s growing population with a nutritious source of protein, while at the same time lessening the impact of poultry production on the environment. Our team looks forward to welcoming you to booth C10629 to talk more about our sustainable approach to breeding a complete portfolio of premier poultry breeding stock.
Email: info@aviagen.com

AVIAGEN TURKEYS www.aviagenturkeys.comHall C – Booth 10629

Aviagen Turkeys is the premier primary breeding company develop­ing Nicholas and B.U.T. pedigree lines for the global turkey indus­try. The Nicholas Select is the industry standard for efficient, high meat yielding turkeys. The B.U.T. 6, now available in the U.S.A, is a robust turkey that is the European leader for efficient meat pro­duction. The B.U.T. Premium is a flexible heavy strain turkey that combines weight, yield and livability. Visit the Aviagen Turkeys team in Hall C booth 10629 to discuss the industry leading performance of Nicholas and B.U.T. turkeys.
Email: turkeysltd@aviagen.com

Bábolna TETRA www.babolnatetra.com Hall C – Booth 10229

At Bábolna TETRA we believe that values of the past must be con- served while constantly improving overall performance through our hybrids’ key characteristics: the outstanding tolerance, excellent egg quality and famously high liveability. In order to find the balance between animal welfare, sustainability and economical production we focus on customer feedback to identify upcoming challenges and we invest hugely in genetic research to meet new market needs and provide the best hybrids for all purposes. Meet us in Atlanta at IPPE 2020 expo in Hall ‘C’ at Booth: 10229
Email: info@babolnatetra.com

COBB-VANTRESS www.cobb-vantress.comHall C – Booth 10611

Cobb-Vantress, Inc. is the world’s oldest pedigree broiler breeding company. Founded in 1916, Cobb is one of the world’s leading sup­pliers of broiler breeding stock with distribution into over 120 coun­tries. Cobb has contributed to the dynamic efficiency and growth of an industry that has transformed chicken into an economically affordable healthy protein source for many of the over 7.5 billion people in the world.

DACS from Denmark proven performance! www.dacs.dkHall C – Booth 11633

For more than 30 years, DACS from Denmark has been a trusted supplier of ventilation systems to the poultry industry. A ventilation system from DACS keeps your poultry house dry and well ventilated and provides a better environment for animals to perform. A dry and well-ventilated house maintain low CO2 & low NH3 levels through­out the production cycle. The proven performance of a DACS ven­tilation system provides your birds the best opportunity to perform to their full genetic potential and to maintain high animal welfare standards!
Email: nd@dacs.dk

GIORDANO POULTRY PLAST www.poultryplast.com – Hall C – Booth 9752

Giordano Poultry Plast, a leading multinational plastic moulding company, specialized in the production of poultry equipment, will be present at the upcoming edition of the professional exhibition: IPPE 2020, which will be held in Atlanta, at the Stand 9752 – Hall C.
Giordano Poultry Plast is glad to introduce its new Automatic Drink­ing Lines. The system has been upgraded starting with the pipe that goes from rounded to square shape 28×28 mm. This will provide a better result, not only during the use but also for washing at the cy­cle end. Also the pipes were changed as all plastic accessories and nipple. This new Automatic Drinking Line will also be easy to install, firstly because all the screws were eliminated and due to the larger space between the metal support and the plastic water pipe. The system includes “Super Drop” for broiler, “Pendolo Line” for Turkey and Duck (they will have different cups), completed by our already popular “Giro Line”, a combination of 2 drinking lines with only 1 metal support (mainly used in the French market).
Email: info@poultryplast.com

HENDRIX GENETICS www.hendrix-genetics.comHall C – Booth 11543

Hendrix Genetics invites you to our booth at IPPE where we will be exhibiting all genetic brands for turkeys (Hybrid Turkeys), lay­ing hens (Dekalb, Shaver, Bovans, ISA, Hisex, and Babcock), and traditional poultry (Sasso). Members of our global team, including sales and technical service representatives, veterinarians, and senior management will be waiting to greet local and international guests. We will be available to discuss our ongoing investment in the industry and dedication to supplying quality genetics throughout the value chain. Recent trends, such as antibiotic free and cage free production, have opened up new areas of opportunity. Experts will be on hand to discuss how our genetics can help you meet the growing demand. Hendrix Genetics strives to create value for the animal protein value chain through constant innovation, collabora­tion, and continued focus on sustainability. Come see us to find out more about how this can apply to your business.
Email: marcom.hg@hendrix-genetics.com

HUBBARD Conventional and Premium; Your Choice, Our Commitment! www.hubbardbreeders.comHall C – Booth 10431

Hubbard introduces the Hubbard Efficiency Plus for the convention­al broiler markets looking for the efficient production of hatching eggs and chicks, robust broiler growth, low feed conversion, good confor­mation and uniformity. With the Hubbard Premium product range, Hubbard is worldwide the preferred choice for speciality markets and offers a large portfolio of breeds with colour differentiation, slow(er) growth and excellent robustness.
Email: contact.americas@hubbardbreeders.com

HY-LINE International www.hyline.com – Hall C – Booth 10929

Hy-Line is accelerating genetic progress across all genetic lines, putting more selection pressure on increased egg numbers and shell strength while not overlooking other key traits. Egg producers are seeing more salable eggs from balanced layers suited for their markets. “We are achieving progress in all lines faster than has ever been seen before,” noted Dr. Danny Lubritz, research and development director for Hy-Line International, regarding Hy-Line’s intensified efforts in genetic selections.
Hy-Line produces and sells brown, white and tint egg breeding stock to more than 120 countries worldwide and is the largest selling layer around the world. Hy-Line layers are known for:
– strong egg production
– superior liveability and feed conversion
– outstanding shell strength and interior quality.

Email: info@hyline.com

JAMESWAY Incubator Company www.jamesway.comHall C – Booth 10663

A hatchery that consistently performs well relies on equipment that is energy efficient, easy to use, install and maintain. Our practical and great performing machines are designed by hatchery experts to meet those needs. Jamesway is the partner you can rely on to consistently hatch high quality chicks. Our team is led by hatchery experts who understand what you need to meet your bottom line.
Let our consistency and performance work for you!
Join us at Booth C10663 to see our Platinum 2.0 Single-Stage machines which allow you to produce the highest quality day-old chicks, ducklings and poults.
Email: sales@jamesway.com

MAREL POULTRY www.marel.comHall B – Booth 4207

Marel Poultry embraces smart processing and we are excited to showcase at IPPE the different ways we can help processors make smart moves throughout the factory. The ATLAS live bird handling system provides a smooth transport from farm to shackle with no human intervention needed. While the AMF-i and FHF provide smart options for automatic deboning and the RoboBatcher is a perfect solution for tray packing. Marel’s software offers processors opportunities to gather data and provide traceability.
Email: info.poultry@marel.com

Meyn at IPPE 2020 Keep it running! www.meyn.comHall B – Booth B5413

Meyn launches the new Maestro Plus for fully automated in-line organ harvesting. The record high yield of Maestro’s evisceration technology combined with new organ harvesting modules have again resulted in a solution with the highest yield in the market. Meyn offers tailor-made service contracts that reduce downtime to a minimum, including training, technical support, maintenance, parts and even a full plant audit. Keep it running! More news includes Meyn Connect software, continuous CO2 stun-ning and the new Rapid Plus breast deboner M5.0.
Email: sales@meyn.com

PAS REFORM SmartStart™ – Post-hatch feeding made easy, practical and flexible – www.pasreform.com/smartstartHall C – Booth 11043/11049

In a unique partnership Pas Reform, biotech start-up In Ovo, DSM Premix company Twilmij and Philips NatureDynamics have devel­oped SmartStart™ – a flexible, ground-breaking post-hatch feeding solution that gives newly hatched chicks the earliest possible ac­cess to feed, water and light.
Get answers to all your questions about early feeding answered during IPPE 2020. Visit Pas Reform / NatureForm.
Email: info@pasreform.com

PETERSIME – www.petersime.comHall C – Booth 10621

Petersime offers world-leading incubation and hatchery solutions with one aim: helping customers reach maximum results for the lifetime of their hatchery. At IPPE, alongside its single-stage Bio­Streamer™ HD incubator and automation solutions, Petersime will also present various interesting novelties.
Meet Petersime’s dedicated crew of specialists at booth 10621 in Hall C and find out how they can help you maximise the return on your hatchery investment.
Email: info@petersime.com

SASSO colors your world – www.sasso-poultry.comHall C – Booth 11543

Established 40 years ago by the leading French “Label Rouge” poultry producers, SASSO’s sole objective has always been to breed STRAINS capable of producing high-quality poultry.
Developments in selection techniques and research in nutrition and breeder management have enabled SASSO to constantly improve the economic performance of its stock without compromising their inherent quality. To fit the market’s requirements, SASSO portfolio offers a large range of parent stock: Dual Purpose, free range, or­ganic, certified or Welfare.

Sasso’s breeds characteristics are:
– a highly rustic and resistant chicken
– with excellent livability, easy to manage, with good performance in term of FCR and yield.
And of course a premium quality meat!!!
Email: sasso@hendrix-genetics.com

TPI-Polytechniek – www.tpi-polytechniek.com – Hall C – Booth C11465

TPI-Polytechniek is attending the IPPE Atlanta 2020 for the 4th consecutive time!
As supplier and producer of polyurethane ventilation components for mainly the agricultural sector we have been internationally active for over 20 years.
We will bring our latest products and show our newest developments during the exhibition. One of the new products we will show is the Ventum air inlet.
The Ventum is developed to make our unique air inlet features and technologies available for American building and ventilation concepts.
We welcome you to come visit us at the show!
Email: info@tpi-polytechniek.com

VAL-CO – www.val-co.com – Hall C – Booth 10753 & 10763

Visit VAL-CO at the 2020 IPPE in Hall C, Booth #C10753 & C10763 to see our newest products, as well as some classics. This year, we will be showcasing the highly efficient V-Fan™, our innovative variable speed fan that provides high CFM at top speeds and high CFM/Watt at low speeds, and our state-of-the-art BridgeBuster™, which helps keep your feed flowing. Also, be sure to check out our other proven products, including the advances we’ve made to our world-famous watering system.
Visit us at IPPE, or online at www.val-co.com.
Email: marcom@val-co.com

VALLI – www.valli-italy.comHall C – Booth 10753 & 10763

VALLI, attending more than 70 countries around the world for over 60 years, has anticipated for years recent market demands with a wide range of EQUIPMENT in VOLIERA for both PULLETS and LAYER HENS. The excellent performance and the satisfaction of our Customers are the best guarantee in offering high quality prod­ucts with high profitability.
VALLI is also pleased to present the new “ONDA” egg elevator, de­signed to obtain the best performances. Simple, sturdy and mainte­nance-free: suitable for hard daily work.
Email: info@valli-italy.com