A real-time impact on performance, availability and quality
A modern poultry processing plant is a complex network of interconnecting processes operating at high speed. It is particularly susceptible to the well-known butterfly effect where a small issue upstream can result in a much larger one downstream.
Empty shackles, whether they occur at hang-on or elsewhere in the process, are a good example of a lost profit opportunity. It is therefore crucially important that plant management has at its fingertips a tool, which can immediately pinpoint such issues and the reasons for them, allowing quick remedial action to be taken.
Marel Poultry’s Innova IMPAQT oftware is just such a tool.
IMPAQT, the Intelligent Monitoring of Performance Availability and Quality Trends, is a development based on OEE, the industrial standard for measuring production effectiveness.
Minute by minute
By making information available real-time, IMPAQT takes the OEE concept much further. Sensors embedded in equipment from live bird handling through all departments right up to the end of the line continuously gather information, allowing data on performance, availability and quality to be analyzed and scored minute by minute. A 100% IMPAQT score means that there is no downtime, all equipment is operating at its designed capacity and turning out “A” grade end products.
IMPAQT presents its information centrally and by department on clear, easy to read dashboards. Historical data is also available, which allows current effectiveness to be compared to past situations. This helps ensure solid decision making, based on well-founded facts.
Pointing up losses
IMPAQT points up all losses and shows the way to an improved process. If there is an issue with any equipment anywhere in the plant, both the issue itself and its exact location will be immediately visible, allowing production management to draw up fast and effective plan of action. There is no longer any need to wait for written reports at the end of production. Valuable time is gained, as issues which could impact on productivity and profitability can be tackled straight away; IMPAQT is the only tool available in the industry to determine in real time the reasons for loss.
Innova IMPAQT software truly unlocks the full potential of a Marel line. It will also motivate production managers to keep on “upping their game”. By impacting positively on performance, availability and quality, IMPAQT can save its users money right from day one.
More on Marel Poultry
Marel Poultry is global supplier of innovative inline poultry processing equipment for broilers, turkeys and ducks, providing solutions for all process stages and all capacity levels. The product range includes top quality equipment for live bird handling, up to evisceration, giblet harvesting, chilling, grading, cut-up, deboning, bone detection, portioning, batching, end-product logistics, software solutions and service contracts.