SPACE 2020, an international insight into the latest livestock industry’s innovations


The 34th edition of SPACE will be held from Tuesday 15 to Friday 18 September 2020 at Rennes Parc-Expo, in France.

SPACE takes place in one of Europe’s leading farming regions and opens its doors to international visitors and exhibitors, providing an essential service to all livestock farmers seeking high performance, quality and sustainability in the global feed supply sector. Thanks to its location, its strong industry roots and its international reach, SPACE is the key international event for professionals across all areas of animal production: cattle (dairy and meat), pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, rabbits and aquaculture. 
During SPACE 2019, almost 500 exhibitors were international, coming from 42 different countries. 2/3 of exhibitors reported having an international activity of planning to develop one. More than 14.700 international visitors from 122 countries attended SPACE 2019; 60% of them discovered for the first time the exhibition in 2019. 
SPACE ‘Planet Livestock’ is globally recognized as a key event by everyone and anyone in livestock farming, due to its location at the heart of a large farming area in Europe, its professional status and its international scale. The growing of the international exhibitors and visitors gives SPACE a strong international reputation. 

Espace for the Future

The ‘Espace for the Future’, with more than 23,000 visitors last year, has become an important stage in the SPACE visit. On this wholly redesigned platform with a new identity, the public are certain to find new technologies, new equipment, innovative practices or techniques noted by the Expo organisers, the Chambers of Agriculture and their partners.

A benchmark exhibition in innovation with its Innov’Space

For the past 25 years, the Innov’Space label is an unmissable opportunity to promote companies’ innovations. 78% of exhibitors say SPACE is the ideal place to showcase their innovations. 83% of visitors discovered techniques, products or equipment that they didn’t know about previously. 
A jury of experts, independent of the SPACE organisation, will examine with utmost neutrality and confidentiality the new products proposed by the exhibitors. It will select the products, equipment or services which will present a significant innovation. The innovations will be classified in two categories based on the level of value for farmers or end users of the product or service: 1 star or 2 stars, and 3 stars for jury’s special mention.  

All the information, video and map can be found at the fair’s website: where you can also download an updated version of the fair app.