The total number of visits at VIV Asia 2017 recorded during the three days of the biennial event rose by nearly 20 percent compared with VIV Asia 2015, achieved a new record of 45,952 from 127 countries. This has included the visits by people from China rising from 1,917 in 2015 to 3,362 in 2017 – a massive increase of more than 75 percent.
“I firmly believe that the 2017 show has brought VIV Asia into a new league,” – manager VIV worldwide Ruwan Berculo declared. “Where the number of exhibitors grows so fast you have a more complete offering for visitors to examine. I appreciate the extent to which companies at this edition invested more than ever in their exhibits.”
The most represented countries apart from Thailand have been China, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Malaysia, each of them sending at least 2,000 people and all of them showing a significant increase in their representation compared with two years ago.
Zootecnica International has asked some exhibitors their impressions about the fair, and their sales and growth prospects in on these new emerging markets.
AVIAGEN’s product growing in the Asian markets
2017 VIV Asia was well attended and the show is projected to exceed 38K attendees in 2015. Aviagen offers the largest portfolio of broiler breeders in Asia with all 3 – Arbor Acres®, Indian River®, Ross® – brands sold in the region. The brands are positioned to offer a choice in the market and are well supported by an experienced regional service team.
Growth has occurred and is planned for each of the products in the emerging markets where future success is directly influenced by early performance of the breed and the response of customers.
Aviagen has a long term strategy where over 10% of annual revenue is invested in the R&D breeding program to maintain the lead in the genetic progress past onto customers every year. This strategy together with a commitment to continue grow and maintain the largest global supply network in the industry gives Aviagen an optimistic outlook for further growth in Asia.
BIG DUTCHMAN displays greater presence
The 480 square meter large and colourful Big Dutchman booth at VIV Asia 2017 in Bangkok attracted an impressive number of visitors – for numerous reasons: “A considerable amount of newly developed products were introduced. We were expecting even more visitors this year, hence the larger stand, compared with the one we had in 2015,” said Jan Hofstede, President of Big Dutchman Asia.
The stream of visitors made the largest booth at the VIV Asia 2017 premises also the busiest. For livestock owners in the Asia-Pacific region, the biennial fair was again an excellent platform to exchange views, and the Big Dutchman booth accordingly saw relationships reinforced, livestock management concepts developed and job experiences shared.
“These three busy days of discussions have helped establish new partnerships. There is nothing better than a trade fair when it comes to finding out what livestock managers need in an intense and comprehensive setting. Most importantly, we have gained insights into the various market trends in the Asia-Pacific region. This new knowledge will enhance product development and help to further improve our services,” agreed the Big Dutchman team present at the booth.
Reunion of the Big Dutchman family
As has become a well-loved habit, the Big Dutchman family had a reunion the day prior to the opening of VIV Asia 2017. The traditional kick-off meeting saw 180 employees, agents and distributors from the Asia-Pacific region meet with numerous colleagues from the Germany-based headquarters. All attendants of the fair were thoroughly briefed on new products and market developments.
Big Dutchman innovations
Several Big Dutchman innovations were introduced at VIV Asia 2017, among them:
DOL 53 ammonia sensor – this sensor permanently measures the ammonia concentration in the air of poultry houses
Zeus – the first LED lamp to allow replacement of individual parts.
PowerBox – the first off-grid power supply for livestock farmers.
FlexLED ECO – this small LED lamp can be installed in just three seconds.
AC Touch Cross-Check – this alarm unit recognizes fan failures before dangerous situations occur.
AVC-3D – the automatic manure belt scraper saves much work and improves hygiene.
CARFED giving impressions on the fair
VIV Asia is still one of the most important events for the Asian markets. These are the markets of the future considering the big number of people living there and their relevant economic growth. Growing birds and slaughter them must be remarkably improved by products and systems that we can offer.
At the fair, there were many visitors mainly from Asia while few from EU and Africa.
Many Asian countries are still many years back our way of working. The poor level of local equipment and products need to be improved by more efficient systems and better meat quality. Some countries still slaughter birds in the street markets and this cannot last for long time. Birds are hauled in wooden or metal or bad quality plastic crates. Final result is low quality meat. For these reasons we expect good results in the future in Asia and the decrease of Customs Duties will help EU countries to export there.
COBB investment targets growth of Asian market
The expansion of Cobb activities to serve the Asian region was the focus of interest for the company at the VIV Asia exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand, where its booth attracted thousands of customers from all over the continent.
“The Asia Pacific region remains one of the most dynamic areas in terms of chicken production, thanks to its population growth and rising economies” said Joel Sappenfield, president of Cobb. ”We expect the consumption of poultry meat will continue to increase in many of the large markets.”
Roy Mutimer, vice president of Cobb for the region and EMEA, commented: “We are pleased to be at VIV Asia where we are able to strengthen our business relationships with our valued customers in the region. With our strategic focus on Asia Pacific, Cobb has invested in a grandparent complex now in production in China and a regional office in Shanghai. We also plan on building a great grandarent complex in New Zealand dedicated to supply Asia.”
Pelayo Casanovas, Cobb general manager for Asia, referred particularly to the launch at the show of their latest male product – the Cobb MV. “This male has exhibited performance in all climates,” he stated. “With its improved feed conversion and broiler livability, we believe we can help our customers grow their birds more efficiently and support higher returns.”
During the three-day event, Mr Casanovas spoke to an audience of 200 people about global poultry trends at the VIV Poultry Forum.
VIV Asia has been the dynamic dive into one of the most important cruise lines on the world market, a promising, steadily growing event providing new and numerous contacts over the next few years.
Thanks to the highly qualified and multidisciplinary Facco’s team, consisting of professionals, engineers, designers, managers and specialists with international experiences in the poultry industry, Facco can offer their products at the best getting in contact with new customers.
The great success of Facco at VIV Asia is based on over 60 years of innovation and commitment in collaboration with poultry farmers.
Facco does what the company knows best: developing innovative poultry management systems for egg and meat production with high performance, high quality and high standards of health and hygiene, suitable for all global climate conditions.
Facco has always been active in the Asian countries and is expecting new and steady increases in the future, as the world’s largest producer of modern livestock equipment with the widest range of ideas and actions, and being always at the industry forefront.
VIV Asia 2017 was probably the best show ever with professionals and with more involved visitors than before, especially from Asian countries. It was a good mix of both end users as well as middle man like equipment dealers & technical advisors of all over Asia. At Gasolec B.V. we see a growing part of our production going to the Asian countries, not only in South East Asia but also to more Central Asian countries.
There is definitely a trend from selling only ‘Heaters’ to selling ‘Gasolec Heating Systems’.
Farmers are moving from manually controlled heating to more automatic systems, realizing that machines are designed to work 24 hours / day where humans do need rest. With the growing importance of automatic systems, farmers prefer heaters with an adjustable heat output, a standard characteristic of Gasolec Heating Systems.
VIV Asia exhibition was a very well organized exhibition and our stand was dislocated just in the middle of the fair, so it was easy to be reached it by all the visitors. Our stand was welcomed by a huge number of visitors, from all the Asiatic regions. All our dealers and important customers visited our stand and were happy to see our new TWIST feeder for broiler. We will keep on participating to these fairs as they represent an important stepping stone for the worldwide livestock industry.
We are proud of our leading role in the animal industry as we supply automatic and complete lines of drinking / feeding systems. The Asiatic market is very important and at Giordano Poultry Plast we are doing all our best to follow it at our best we can, with local production and service that have been available for some years.
The exhibition was a great success for H&N INTERNATIONAL. We were very pleased to meet a large number of both valued customers and potential business partners. In the vibrant setting of the world’s leading trade exhibition presenting the entire feed and meet supply chain, we were happy to share our knowledge and ideas. An impressive number of professionals visited VIV Asia. The number of international exhibitors as well as the visitor number was more than satisfactory. As the Asian market is one of the most important ones for us, we were pleased to welcome this many international customers, especially from Asia, into our booth. The close collaboration with our customers helps us to make our brand even more successful and underlines again that H&N INTERNATIONAL is the key to your profit. We would like to express our gratitude for everyone’s visit and hope to meet again in the near future.
Great dynamism at the HUBBARD booth
The support and interest for Hubbard products was reflected by the significant attendance on the booth. The success and good performance of Hubbard products throughout Asia echoes the dynamism of the entire Asia Pacific region. VIV Asia was a fantastic opportunity to reinforce Hubbard’s commitment to the region and ability to supply appropriate product solutions, suited to each customer’s needs.
Hubbard showed off the latest headset technology on the stand, transforming the booth into a virtual representation of one of the CT scanner rooms used in the company’s R&D program.
The entire Hubbard team were delighted to welcome all visitors and partners to the stand and appreciation reception on Thursday evening, an invaluable opportunity to discuss ongoing and new business opportunities.
We enjoyed hosting and interacting with our growing number of Hy-Line distributors in Southeast Asia as well as the Middle East and India Subcontinent during VIV Asia. This fair allows us excellent interactions with people in various roles within these companies.
The days prior to VIV Asia, we brought our Asian distributors together to share strategic management methods for optimal breeder performance and superior results.
Hy-Line has achieved increased market share in the region due to prolific egg numbers, feed efficiency, exceptional livability and superior egg color and quality. We lead the way in a region that accounts for more than 63% of the world’s egg production.
With the Hy-Line Brown, W-36, W-80, Silver Brown and Sonia, Hy-Line delivers a bird for every market – every climate, every housing system, every country.
IMPEX looks back on a very successful VIV Bangkok
For Impex, VIV Bangkok was a very successful show where we had the chance to meet many of our Asian clients but where also able to get in touch with new contacts. It was a chance to have many poultry professionals getting to know our new I-Flow pressure regulator and I-Flush total hygiene solution. A total hygiene solution that will automatically flush the drinking lines.
We expect to see a growth in sales when it comes to Asia, mainly because the growing awareness that hygiene in the poultry house, and especially in the drinking system is becoming more important every day. We want to thank everyone for visiting our stand at the show and are looking forward seeing everyone next time!
A very successful VIV Asia for INTRACARE
Many visitors noticed that Intracare was present during the VIV in Asia. Intracare promoted her hygienically products by providing all 40.000 visitors a free bottle of fresh drinking water at the entrance of the BITEC exhibition area. Beside of this remarkable promotion, Intracare took also the initiative for a hygienic entrance for all the visitors by supplying disinfecting floor mats at all entrances of the exhibition area.
With these promotional activities Intracare highlighted Intra Hydrocare and Intra Multi-Des GA, which also in this region are high valued products. The Asian market is a fast growing market for Intracare’s products, which contributes to the integrations and farmers in Asia in upgrading their quality and farm performance. Also the philosophy of Intracare to provide alternative products to reduce the usage of antibiotics is very successful in this part of the world.
It was exciting to be at VIV Asia this year. The energy in the poultry market is tremendous and there is a real demand for educated answers and designs for the Asian market. The market is expanding very quickly and the investors want to know that they can trust their investments to companies that care about their success. The attendance was amazing and proves that this market is ready to grow, and grow quickly. Our intention at VIV Asia was to affirm Jamesway’s leadership in the market in terms of poultry incubation.
We have thousands of clients in Asia who have used Jamesway for 30 to 80 years, and we are the only incubator-making company that has production facilities in China incorporating the international quality standards of Canada, Europe and America. That’s very important as we are helping hatcheries to grow, and certain facilities, especially small scale farming or hatcheries that do not require much investment, now have the possibility to access Jamesway equipment for their production lines.
We offer clients premium equipment for their hatcheries. They want a product that guarantees quality and outstanding performance. Our incubators and hatchers are designed to work in the high heat and humidity of the Asian environment and our HVAC solutions are second to none.
A company that wants to compete in this world can never stop innovating so we continue to invest in our technologies. Improving our products is a non-stop process when you are at the top of the market offering the best products using the best technology.
JANSEN Poultry Equipment
VIV Asia is the most important show in Asia. Customers from all over Asia always look forward to this show, some even skip local shows, but invest into visiting the VIV. This is so because of the following:
- Very wide range of products
- Multiple competing suppliers for a specific product range (many to choose from)
- Most major suppliers go full out in displays at the VIV Asia (unlike in China where most are afraid to display their ware for fear of copying).
- It is the nearest show with the most complete product range
- Bangkok is a nice place with many other extra things to do and see
- Bangkok weather is better than Europe’s freezing weather (example Eurotier in November).
There were major player visitors from the emerging markets for the Nest System. Visitors from Cambodia, Lao, and Myanmar did spend some time studying the Premium+ Automatic Nest. We expect some more inquiries from them, and hope for some activity in these countries in the near to medium term future.
The VIV Asia as one of the world-wide very important trade exhibitions for modern animal husbandry offered us the suitable platform to present our new, ultra-modern corporate exhibition booth which was – together with our well-known and internationally recognized brand – a magnet for customers and all visitors.
The show was a great success for us. It gave a truly international feeling and impressive number of professionals visited this important exhibition.
Poultry’s importance for this fair has been underlined again. LOHMANN TIERZUCHT was very pleased to meet both valued customers and potential business partners in order to share our knowledge and ideas. The right hen for every management – the right egg for every market, this is our maxim which we could again underline on VIV Asia. Above all it is always important to us to strengthen the constant dialogue with customers – according to our philosophy: breeding for success … together.
MAREL Poultry – a cutting edge experience
At VIV Asia 2017 Marel Poultry demonstrated how poultry processors in South-East Asia can add most value to their operations. Notably the “Cutting Edge Showcase” turned out to be a tremendous success.
Marel Poultry’s Willem van de Ven explained how our equipment goes about to achieve the same result as skilled manual operations. While cutting, he referred to the ACM-NT cut-up modules. Next, deboning was addressed, connecting to Stork AMF-i breast filleting and Thigh Fillet System. Willem concluded with portioning, relating to the I-Cut 122 PortionCutter.
Asian markets seek to produce large volumes of deboned fillets or thighs. As there is a global shortage of skilled laborers, Asian processors will switch from manual to automated solutions such as AMF-i and Thigh Fillet System.
PETERSIME confirms market leadership during outstanding VIV Asia exhibition
As the poultry industry in Southeast Asia is gearing up for expansion, investment plans are back on the table. Petersime again confirmed its leading market position in the region and closes VIV Asia with a new contract with CPF (Charoen Pokphand Foods), a crowded booth and an enthusiastic vibe.
“With a balanced supply-demand situation in the most significant poultry markets and with the prospect of solid long-term growth, poultry producers are gearing up for expansion and rationalization. Petersime delivers hatchery solutions that help to maximize the profit of poultry companies. Life-long partnership and continuous exchange of know-how with our customers is the base for our success,” says Michel De Clercq, one of the CEOs of Petersime, enthusiastically.
Recently the poultry and pig industry gathered in Bangkok for the new edition of the VIV Asia. In it’s role as an international platform on animal production and meat processing, VIV Asia showcases the industry’s developments by the Feed to Meat concept. With exhibitors from 40 countries, they offer a unique selection, comprising global market leaders in the poultry and pig industry.
We started the VIV Asia with Roxell’s X’pertdays for distributors. As an innovator and expert, we want to share our knowledge with our partners. During the X’pertdays our distributors were informed about the technical aspects and the added value of the Roxell Multifast for pigs, the new IQON and the new Koozii-nest. Last but not least we also added the Natural Beak Smoothing concept to the agenda.
For the first time in Asia, we presented the Natural Beak Smoothing concept. This feeding system controls the beak growth of broiler breeders continuously while they are fed. This new solution guarantees bird performance, feed saving and compliance with the animal welfare regulations. Discover the added value of the Natural Beak Smoothing in this concept movie.
At the Roxell booth, we exhibited our expansive line of equipment for poultry feeding, drinking, heating and nesting and also presented our offering of pig-feeding products.
It was a really positive exhibition, there were many visitors in our booth. We had the occasion to get in touch with some new potential customers, interested to invest more on high quality products. We realized that there is a growing interest towards the broiler breeders equipment, more than in the past, that could be considered a positive sign of development on these markets.
We are expecting to get a higher demand of broiler breeders projects, mainly for automatic nests and chain feeding system. By the way, considering the general growth on all the Asian area, in terms of chicken meat’s consumption, we hope to increase the number of our installations of broiler houses and also, improve our presence on markets where we have not been so active in the last years.
From 15th to 17th of March the very successful VIV Asia took place in Bangkok, Thailand. An impressive number of professionals visited VIV ASIA. The number of international exhibitors as well as the visitor number was more than satisfactory.
We had the opportunity to meet our customers as well as new possible clients many of them from Asian countries, who were very interested in our company and show them our most recent products and concepts. Our SPECHT staff was very pleased to welcome this many customers from all over the world into our booth.
We would like to express our gratitude for everyone’s visit and hope to meet again in 2019 on the VIV Asia. If you are interested in more information, please visit our homepage: www.specht-tenelsen.com
Bábolna TETRA experienced great success at the world’s leading trade show
Bábolna TETRA recently participated in VIV Asia 2017, which was held from 15 to 17 March in Bangkok, Asia. In a vibrant show and exhibition, TETRA team welcomed numerous guests, existing and potential buyers in its centrally placed corporate booth.
During this successful event visitors from Asian and African countries has shown enormous interest in TETRA products and services. Asia being one of the biggest market gives many opportunities for collaboration to our professional sales and technical team. With the most popular products, such as TETRA-SL LL, TETRA L-Superb, Harco, Super Harco and TETRA HB Color, the company offers a bird for every market and management systems.
Bábolna TETRA is very grateful for everyone’s visit and looking forward to the next opportunity to meet.
VDL Agrotech looks back at a very successful VIV-Asia participation , the number and quality of the visitors was excellent.
The new VDL broiler breeder concept including the Matrix malefeeder and the latest Valenta drive unit with integrated LED light attracted a lot of attention. Most of the visitors were from the Asia-pacific region but also visitors from other parts of the world attended the exhibition, which has become more and more a global meeting point for the industry.
VDL Agrotech offers European origin technology engineered to meet the local Asian conditions.
This interaction is very useful to achieve excellent farm solutions for each customer.
The VDL product portfolio is an ideal match with the Asian livestock Industry where also high efficiency farming is becoming more and more a trend.
Enjoy VIV Asia 2017 The Movie, with numerous shots of the exhibition floor and exhibitors’ feedback.