Building on continued growth in the Asia-Pacific region, Cobb-Vantress hosted its second Cobb Asia-Pacific Technical School in Phuket, Thailand, in March. The three-day course provided 160 customers access to some of the latest information in flock management, from breeding and genetics to nutrition and processing. The event is the second of its kind and is part of Cobb’s continued investment in the region, which includes a recently constructed pure-line facility in New Zealand.
Additionally, during the tech school, Cobb presented eight companies with Cobb Champion performance awards, which recognize top-performing facilities maximizing the genetic potential of Cobb breeding stock in the region. One of the top winners was Shandong Fengxiang of China who received an award for the best company average in parent stock (slow feathering).
“We tailored our presentations to the needs of our customers in the region,” said Mohammad Ismail, senior director of key accounts at Cobb Asia. “Our customers are excited about growing Cobb birds and they are hungry for more knowledge on our evolving industry. We made sure to answer their questions while bringing them up-to-date information on changes happening in Cobb’s genetics.”
Cobb customer Mohammad Imtiaz appreciated the knowledge shared during the course. “Our technical and operation staff benefitted from the practical knowledge presented during the course,” said Imtiaz, managing director of Fortune GP of Sri Lanka. “Our team will utilize what we learned to improve our flock performance in 2019 and beyond.”
The event is the second of its kind and part of Cobb’s continued investment in the Asia-Pacific region, which includes a recently constructed pure-line facility in New Zealand.
“Beginning this year, we will supply our Asia-Pacific customers with unprecedented product availability,” said Fred Kao, general manager of Cobb Asia. “Tech schools, like the one held in March, showcase our commitment to not only supplying our customers with quality birds but supporting our fastest-growing region with industry expertise.”
During the event, Cobb presented eight companies with Cobb Champion performance awards, which recognize top-performing facilities maximizing the genetic potential of Cobb breeding stock in the region.
“These eight companies have achieved exceptional performance across a variety of categories,” said Orlando Fernandez, director of technical services at Cobb Asia. “We want to recognize these customers for taking advantage of Cobb genetics and getting their birds to perform at a higher level.”
Cobb Asia-Pacific will hold another technical seminar in Sydney