33rd annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium


The Australian Poultry Science Symposium is the premier avian science conference in Australia, attracting delegates from right across the country and around the world. Next year the conference will focus on an over-arching theme of: “Sustainability – A Brave New World”.

In 2022 the Australian Poultry Science Symposium will return to a hybrid 3-Day program, filled with up to 8 invited speaker International and Australian presentations,  and as always a huge range of very relevant and current research from the Association’s peer-reviewed submitted papers. 

Although organizers’ plans for a hybrid conference did not come to fruition for APSS 2021, they are determined to deliver next year at APSS 2022 planning a physical event at the University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus. The event will be online also, so that delegates can still attend from their workplace’s or from home, right around the globe. The 2021 Virtual Conference was very well received, with over 300 delegates tuning in over the shortened 2-Day Program, that was the largest attendance in the history of the conference.

With uncertainties around travel restrictions, physical attendance will still be limited, it will not be required such a large space as pre-Covid years, and although the move to Sheraton in the Sydney CBD between 2018-2021 proved very successful, it is simply not feasible with the precariousness of the pandemic, and so The University of Sydney’s new F23 venue will be utilized for the 2022 conference.

As always, APSS will continue to include an array of excellent invited speakers to feature at the event, as well as  provide delegates plenty of time to network and communicate by offering a lively social program for both physical and virtual attendees. 

Symposium dates:

Monday 7th  Feb – Wednesday 9th  Feb, 2022

Online Paper Submissions opened on Thursday 1st July, 2021

Major topics

Broiler Nutrition Egg Quality

Water Quality/Sustainability

Gut Health

Hot topics

AMR – Resistomics Global Warming & CO2
Footprint for Poultry

For more information please contact:
Tel. +61 2 9351 1656 
Email: benjamin.geist@sydney.edu.au
Website: www.apss2022.com.au