Aviagen® global specialists and regional customer support teams from Europe, Turkey, the Middle East and Africa (TMEA) look forward to welcoming customers and industry colleagues to stand 11.C010 at VIV Europe 2022. The show will take place May 31-June 2 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. “Breeding for welfare and sustainability,” will be Aviagen’s show theme and major topic of discussion.
According to Patrick Claeys, President European Operations, bird welfare and sustainability are inseparable. “Good welfare is good business for poultry producers, and it is fundamental to the environmental, economic and social pillars of sustainability. Field data has proven that animals with good welfare perform better, are more biologically efficient, are more disease resistant and have stronger liveability. These traits promote the economic success of farmers, while strengthening their ability to supply the world with a nutritious and sustainable protein.”
Another strategy to support the economic health of customers is to enhance their competitive edge by breeding choice, enabling them to offer the right bird for the right market. At VIV Europe, Aviagen will showcase its broad portfolio of brands, including Arbor Acres®, Indian River® and Ross® for conventional markets and the Rowan Range® for slower-growing, free range and organic markets.
“We look forward to once again meeting our customers in person at VIV Europe 2022. A goal of our regional support teams is to bridge the gap between the breeding company and industry, listening to customer concerns and ideas and feeding them back into our breeding programme. VIV Europe gives us an ideal opportunity for this level of collaboration and strengthening of our valued industry relationships.”