Cobb-Vantress shares expertise on Breeder Male Management


Cobb-Vantress regional leadership recently shared its expertise on managing breeder males at the inaugural Latin American Poultry & Nutrition Congress (LPN Congress), held in Miami. Here, Regional Manager Cristiano Pereira presented to a group of the industrys top Latin American poultry professionals, sharing the many and various indicators that must be observed to reach optimal male fertility.

During his presentation, Pereira offered guidance on how to maximize male fertility, which includes closely monitoring a male bird’s body weight, feed conversion, activity and maturity in their interaction with other birds. Allof these factors are critical to achieving optimal results. The presentation also included examples from Cobbswork in South America, specifically with the CobbMV Male.

“At Cobb-Vantress, we pride ourselves in providing unmatched technical service and expertise for our customers”, said Pereira. “It was an honor to be able to share information on a topic that is so important for our customers bottom lines and to engage in a dialogue with professionals from all aspects of the poultry business.”

In addition to the presentation, Cobb-Vantress also had a booth for LPN Congress attendees to stop by and ask technical support questions across a variety of topics.

The opportunity to take part in LPN Congress 2018 is of great importance for us”, said Cassiano Bevilaqua, marketing manager for Cobb-Vantress Brasil Ltda.It reinforces our commitment to offering quality products and services to the entire region and provides a great environment to strengthen relationships with our customers.
LPN Congress drew more than 1,000 attendees from across Latin America. Set to take place every two years, the event brought together industry decision-makers — such as production directors, managers, veterinarians, nutritionists and consultants — and sector companies, including breeder farms, feed mills and hatcheries. Additionally, it provided a forum for top researchers in the poultry or animal nutrition sectors to discuss their fields and share information that is mutually beneficial.

The event was one of two large events Cobb sponsored for Latin American poultry professionals last week. At the same time, Cobb also hosted VII Escuela Técnica Regional (VII Regional Technical School) in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, where more than 100 participants from 10 countries came together to discuss best practices and ask questions of Cobb’s technical service team.