Injection syringes and needles for the poultry production industry

Animal health is an important factor due to the potential economic consequences in case of disease outbreak, for this reason farmers involved with poultry production should pay high attention in carefully selecting the appropriate syringes and needles for successful injection campaigns.
Go for a superior quality syringe

Socorex Isba SA is a Swiss manufacturer of self-refilling injection syringes with spring-loaded plunger and three-way valve system. Simple conception, perfect hand balance and ergonomic design provide for ease of use, operator comfort and fatigue free fieldwork.

The syringes are intended for repeat vaccination of poultry and other animals. Their known reliability benefits to animal health as every bird receives the exact dose ensuring efficient protection. Socorex syringes are easily disassembled, cleaned, and reused for many years. All parts are available separately to maintain the syringes in good working over a long period of time.

Needle selection

A quality needle shows very high mechanical resistance. Made of superior stainless steel, the Socorex needles have a very sharp bevel intended for thousands of injections, depending on animal skin type. Adequate length and gauge are chosen in accordance with animal size/age and vaccine type. Prefer smallest possible diameter (gauge) to minimize tissue damage, knowing that thicker liquids may require larger needle size. Change needle if bent, dirty or worn. The Socorex safety packaging has sliding cover avoiding hand / finger injury when handling.

Remember to clean-up after vaccination

Once the campaign is over, operator must rinse, clean, dry and disinfect the injection syringe according to manufacturer’s guidelines. Single-use and worn-out needles must be disposed in an appropriate safety container. Store re-usable equipment in adequate clean and dry location.

Combining a good planification, the use of a first-class self-refilling syringes for highly professional work and respect of current rules and legislations, all parameters are gathered to run successful injection campaigns.