When Royal Pas Reform celebrated its 100th anniversary on 8 November, guests who wanted to bring a gift were invited to donate to local childrens’ charity, the Kanjers voor Kanjers foundation – which supports families in the East Gelderland region of The Netherlands, were Royal Pas Reform is based.
‘Making children close to home happy’ – that’s the important mission for Kanjers voor Kanjers. These are children for whom it can be challenging – even impossible – to experience the simple joys of play and exercise. They may come from poorer households, have a long-term illness, or perhaps a disability. Some cannot even live at home. Above all, they are children who, for reasons not of their making, cannot live a normal childhood.
“The money we collected at our centenary party will be used exclusively for sports and games projects for these disadvantaged children,” says Harm Langen, CEO of Royal Pas Reform. Handing the cheque for 5,000 Euros to Adri Knoops from Kanjers voor Kanjers, Mr. Langen expressed his praise and appreciation for the project work that the foundation does to support children who are deprived of the many benefits that sport and play can provide.
“This generous donation is a very welcome addition to the budget we have available for various projects,” Mr Knoops said.