MPF Convention announces rebrand to the PEAK


The Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Board of Directors is excited to announce that after 51 fabulous years known as the Midwest show, the MPF Convention is changing its name to the PEAK.
The PEAK letters represent all that the MPF Convention has provided to the poultry industry over the past five decades plus gives a nod to the exciting future ahead for the organization and its annual event.Along with a new name comes a new PEAK Show logo as well as a complete rebranding of its colors, which will be incorporated into the existing MPF website,, in the coming weeks.

The rebranding process began nearly three years ago when the MPF Board met for a strategic planning session in Minneapolis. It was clear at that time that the show had seen tremendous growth and was no longer strictly a show for the Midwest poultry industry. Attendees and  exhibitors come from all across the world to take in the largest trade show and convention in the U.S. that is 100% focused on poultry.

After putting the rebrand on hold during the height of the pandemic, the MPF Board rebooted its plans and after much thoughtful discussion over several months, unanimously approved the new name and logo during its May meeting.
“The Board feels strongly that our show name should be reflective of not only our rich history in the Midwest but also provide a solid foundation from which to build our exciting future as the show where North American poultry connects,” said Ross Thoreson, MPF President and long-time exhibitor as President of Best Veterinary Solutions, Ellsworth, IA.

The PEAK show will continue to be powered by the Midwest Poultry Federation, a 501(c)6 organization, whose members are 11 state poultry organizations in 9 states, including Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

All revenue (after expenses are paid) generated by the PEAK will continue to be donated to various poultry organizations for research, educational, and career activities as well as back to MPF’s member organizations, just as previous MPF conventions have done.

“While our show name has changed, our commitment to showcasing cutting edge information, equipment, technology and services to poultry companies, farmers, and farm managers will only get stronger,” said Thoreson. “In 2023, we are expanding our exhibit hall to offer more booths than ever before and we continue to look for ways to improve our education program, which has always been at the epicenter of what our show provides.”

The 2023 PEAK show will be held April 11-13 at the Minneapolis Convention Center, giving the MPF organization the chance to shift its PEAK show dates so that attendees may enjoy spring in the city. “We are looking forward to our new April dates, which shift us further away from winter weather, spring break conflicts, and other important poultry industry events earlier in the year,” said Thoreson. “It’s a great time of year to get out and enjoy Minneapolis – and meet us at the PEAK!”