New aviary system AviaView by Jansen Poultry Equipment

A perfect view on birds


Jansen Poultry Equipment is proud to introduce its new aviary system called AviaView. This aviary system gives a good overview and allows easy inspection of the birds and nests through integrated walkways.
The AviaView allows easy bird movement, which promotes excellent welfare. Using the well-proven LayMaxx nest system within a new layout attributes to optimal nest acceptance and performance results.
Jansen Poultry Equipment aviary systems are designed to promote health and natural behaviour of animals. Hens get the freedom to easily move through the entire system and scratching area. The feeding, drinking and perching space can be adapted to meet or exceed local regulations.

Other AviaView advantages are:

  • Excellent and easy bird movement from the floor into the system
  • More living surface for the hens
  • Farmer friendly and easy management
  • Comfortable LayMaxx® laying nest
  • Designated functional areas for all natural behaviours

Satisfied customers
In the beginning of June 2016 the first flock of 16.000 layers arrived at Mr. & Mrs. Spauls house in the UK. The customer is extremely satisfied with both the installation of the system and the performance results. By the beginning of 2017 several houses with the AviaView aviary system will already be in use in the UK.
Here you can find the AviaView Aviary System movie filmed at the Spaul premises. Curious what the AviaView could mean for your layer operation?
Contact one of our Poultry Specialists for more information. – – Tel.: +31 (0) 342 427 000