Prinzen launches new farm packer


With the introduction of the Prinzen 70, Prinzen extends their product range of farm packers for table egg packing. The new packer is especially designed for careful egg packing on 30-cell trays and has a 6 row roller/cup configuration. The gentle egg transfer, compact & flexible design, ease in operation and low costs of maintenance explain why this packer is a must-have for table egg producers.

The Prinzen 70 is partly based on the proven technology of the PSPC series. The new packer is offering an effective operating capacity of 25,200 eggs per hour, eggs are packed points down corrected and with highest care. The clear overview ensures full egg control and an ergonomic workplace for the operator. The optimized tray handling with the latest denester increases performance and user friendliness. Prinzen 70 is constructed from robust and durable materials. Special attention is given to the design to ensure that vital parts are easy accessible for cleaning and maintenance.

Prinzen 70

Mark Leenders, runs a layer farm in the Netherlands, chose for the new machine at his farm: “ I am very happy with the Prinzen 70. A reliable packer, with 6 rows the capacity and speed is a lot higher what I am used to with my previous Prinzen machine. Also, the denester and the stacker have clearly improved. It gives me more time checking the eggs for quality and it is easy for one person to do. The packer is made of stainless steel and therefore easy to clean and maintain. You can easily access everywhere to lubricate and control.”

Optional to the Prinzen 70 are the PS4 tray stacker, egg coding (stamping or printing) and egg inspection conveyor. Various tray (-stack) conveyor belting and curves offer a compact machine configuration that fits in the egg collection room. Even further automation is possible with automatic pallet loading.