Aviagen LLC Sochi seminars on the rise as their popularity grows among customers.
The event featured the most current advice on optimal feed and nutrition, biosecurity and other management topics for both broilers and breeders. Sochi (Krasnodarsky region) is known for its poultry farming industry, and is an area where Aviagen has multiple customers.
Aviagen LLC Technical Service Managers Kruno Bosilj and Georgi Nalbantov, as well as Aviagen LLC Veterinarian Rik van den Bos and Aviagen Nutritionist Adam Sacranie, engaged with customers on how to best meet the unique needs of Ross® birds, and discussed the latest industry trends and methods.
Seminars and meetings add value for customers
Aviagen LLC cares about its customers and is committed to support their businesses with the latest knowledge and breeding developments. For this reason, the number of local seminars such as this in Sochi continues to grow. This year alone the company has hosted events for more than 100 customers covering the width and breadth of the region, from St. Petersburg and Novokuznetsk in Russia to Belarus and Kazakhstan.
The Sochi seminars provide a forum for the Aviagen LLC team to strengthen their relationships with customers and gain valuable feedback, which is critical to ongoing breeding improvements. The meetings also enable customers to ask questions, meet specialists in various fields and exchange ideas and experiences.
“Because of the dedication and skill of our Russian customers, they’re able to consistently maximize the genetical potential of our birds for great efficiency and performance. Aviagen LLC is committed to our esteemed customers and we work side-by-side to help meet their unique needs and champion their success,” noted Nicolas Neyra, Aviagen LLC Regional Technical Manager.
Aviagen LLC Sales Director Eduard Taktarov added that the Sochi seminars aim to give farmers everything they need to boost the productivity, health and welfare of their flocks. “We value each and every chance to meet with them, add value to their businesses and further strengthen our relationships.”
Sochi Seminar attendee Ilya Buguev, Chief Veterinarian for PJSC poultry farm Reftinskaya, expressed his thanks to Aviagen LLC. “The Aviagen team has demonstrated a true devotion to their customers at each seminar I’ve attended. The programs always equip us with a variety of useful information designed to help customers improve production performance. I’ve especially enjoyed the opportunities during both the seminar and networking activities to discuss hot topics with industry colleagues.”
For further information, please visit www.aviagen.com.