Spain’s Ramil Incubacion Avicola S.A. visits and tours Jamesway’s Canadian headquarters

Left to Right: Dr. Jesus Campa, Jose Maria Castro Ramos, Dolores Casariego and Rodrigo Castro

One of Jamesway’s oldest Spanish customers – Ramil Incubacion Avicola S. ­– was in Canada in November to tour our factory and headquarters. Ramil Incubacion Avicola S.A. a Jamesway customer for over 30 years, is in the process to complete the last phase to change all their hatchery from Multi Stage in to a Platinum Single Stage Incubation system with a total capacity of 645,120 eggs a week. Based in Lugo Spain, the company is managed by Jose Maria Castro Ramos, who is shown in the picture with his wife, Dolores Casariego and son, Rodrigo Castro.
Also pictured is Jamesway’s Sales Manager for Latin America and Spain, Dr. Jesus Campa.
The family toured the factory in order to see the latest developments in Jamesway equipment before heading out for a tour of Niagara Falls and the beautiful autumn landscape of Ontario.