The Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Convention celebrated its 48th year of providing excellence in education and exhibits in Minneapolis last week. The show featured 609 booths in two sold-out exhibit halls, along with nearly 3,100 registrants in total.
“The MPF Convention serves an important role in the poultry industry,” according to Steve Olson, MPF Executive Director. “We are the largest trade show and convention in the U.S. that is 100 percent focused on poultry. Our attendees and exhibitors come together to network, learn, and do business.”
The MPF Convention, held annually in March, offers cutting-edge information to attendees through a balanced offering of exhibits and educational workshops for the turkey, egg layer, broiler and organic/specialty poultry industries. Speaker proceedings papers from most of the sessions are now available online at www.midwestpoultry.com. For the second straight year, MPF held a very successful Student Career Program, which brought together industry and college and technical school students looking to make connections on jobs and internships.
The convention also wrapped things up with a bang with its very special event, MPF Unhatched – An Evening of Eats & Entertainment, featuring a private concert by Jo Dee Messina.
2020 Brings Partnership with PAS
“We’re looking forward to building upon this year’s success in 2020,” said MPF President Greg Nelson, who represents the Kansas Poultry Association on the MPF Board of Directors. “In fact, next year, we’re partnering with the National Professional Agriculture Student Organization (PAS) to bring about 600 career-ready students to the convention for an expanded Student Careers Program and also give the students time to explore our exhibit halls. This is a very exciting time for MPF!”
Supporting Poultry Organizations and Programs
As a nonprofit organization, all of MPF’s revenue generated (after expenses are paid) from the convention goes back to its member organizations and to support poultry programs.
The 49th annual Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Convention will be held March 17-19, 2020 at the Minneapolis Convention Center in downtown Minneapolis, Minn.
Further details on the 2020 show will be available later this year. For more information, visit MPF’s Web site, www.midwestpoultry.com. You will also find MPF on Facebook (www.facebook.com/MPFConvention) and on Twitter – @MPFConvention.
Potential exhibitors may contact Exhibits Manager Teresa Sorenson at the MPF office to inquire about booth space: tsorenson@midwestpoultry.com or 763/682-2171.
Suggestions regarding educational workshop content are always welcome. Please direct all suggestions, feedback, questions and requests for general information to MPF Assistant Executive Director Lara Durben at 763/682-2171 or e-mail: ldurben@midwestpoultry.com.