SKA, with over than 60 years of experience in floor rearing equipment for poultry, has been manufacturing since its foundation the widest range of solutions, each one proven and tested to deliver excellent results.
In particular, with reference to the alternative solutions for layers farming, SKA offers various solutions, ranging from aviary systems to communal nesting systems. The specific equipment for aviary pullets breeding, as the multilevel system ATHENA or the aviary GEMINI, has been then completed with aviaries for commercial layers as GEMMA or LIBRA.
Hereafter the main features:
- Athena is a multilevel system designed specifically for the purpose of rearing layers for production.
- It allows the birds to move freely within the house, getting them used to jump on various levels to access water and feed.
- Self-supporting structure.
- Easy to assemble and install.
- Can be adapted to any existing house.
- System-side closure by slats.
- Central slats controlled by electrical winching system.
- Structure mainly in laminated steel, easy to wash.
aviary for pullets has been designed to customize birds to an aviary environment, as it is the only solution for them to perform properly during laying. It allows higher density of birds and easy management. Each element contains: feed troughs, adjustable drinkers, manure removal belts, grills, lighting tube, perches.
Aviary for commercial layers, enabling to rear more than 20 birds per square meter of building. The main feature of this aviary is a wooden nest placed in the middle tier. Egg collection is central, the eggs collecting belt is placed inside the nests to guarantee a higher level of hygiene and quality.
Another aviary model for commercial layers, LIBRA differs from GEMMA especially for the type and position of the nests. In each element there are 2 nests per tier, placed on the left and right side, ensuring a good distribution of the nests in the whole system. The egg collection is made along the aviary sides. On both models, each element contains feed troughs, drinkers, nests, manure removal belts, egg collecting belt, lighting tube, perches, and balconies. To this wide choice of aviaries, it is added the full range of automatic communal nests, wood or galvanised steel, available in various versions and sizes to suit the needs of farming.
ZEUS is an automatic wooden nest, designed for both breeders and layers. Its strength is due to the choice of materials: It is mostly made of specially-coated plywood, that does not deteriorate and it is extremely easy and quick to wash.
AVIO Automatic galvanised nests are made of steel, resistant to chemical agents and bacteria, ensuring the highest level of biosecurity.
Both of them allow labour savings of up to 50%. They also provide a quiet, natural environment for the birds, maximizing eggs production. Available in several options.
Both solutions can be complemented by SKA centralized egg collection system CONVOY, capable of collecting up to 20,000 eggs per hour at six meters per minute from several houses to a single packing area. It can be easily customized to any existing farm, thanks to ascending or descending slopes, 90 degrees turns, and adjustable heights. It’s easy to install outdoor too, as channels can be covered and suspended.
For any further information on these products and SKA complete product range, please visit www.ska.it or contact ska@ska.it