A brand new system for duck and turkey egg transportation


Following the very successful EggsCargoSystem® for chicken eggs, GI-OVO has now also developed the EggsCargoSystem XL. 

The XL system is specially designed for the transport of duck and turkey eggs. The system consists of a tray which is designed for 20 eggs and which offers maximum comfort and protection to the eggs. In addition, it consists of a pallet with the dimensions 120×90 cm. These pallets are exactly matched to 12 stacks of trays per row. Finally, the system consists of a divider. This divider makes the use of empty trays on top of the stacks unnecessary. The stacks of eggs can also be slid over the divider instead of having to be placed. That makes the work much lighter and faster. The system can be build up to 5 rows containing 7.200 eggs per pallet. The entire system can also be picked up and unpacked with robots. In case of bad roads, the EC protector can also be used. This protector connects the top layer of eggs with the row below and prevents the top layer from jumping with the risk of unnecessary damage to the eggs. 

All parts of the EggsCargoSystem XL are made of durable plastic with an anti-aging additive. If desired, the system can also be provided with Clean Compound®. An additive which, in combination with professional cleaning of the parts, reduces the risk of contamination to a minimum. 

GI-OVO can supply the system in almost all RAL colors and provided with customer-specific inscriptions. All this for indication to the user. The EggsCargoSystem XL is the perfect solution for the damage-free transport of duck-turkey eggs. 

More information: www.gi-ovo.com/eggscargosystemxl