Aviagen LLC keeps in touch during COVID-19 with their webinars


In a spirit of finding innovative ways to communicate with customers despite COVID-19 restrictions, Aviagen® LLC Russia organizes regular webinars.

To prepare for the series, Technical Service Managers reached out to Arbor Acres® and Ross® producers requesting current hot topics that are relevant for them. Each webinar is arranged for the staff of a specific customer, and themes for the sessions focus on specific requirements.

To-date 18 webinars with 6 different speakers covered a variety of nutrition, health and management subjects. Some examples of webinars discussion points include proper nutrition and veterinary care for leg health, achieving good carcass quality, house preparation, hatchery control points and reinforced biosecurity measures under current AI threats in the area. Further events are already in the planning stage to continuously add value to customer operations.

“We are committed to serving our customers in the best possible way,” remarked Nicolas Neyra, Regional Technical Manager. “While nothing can replace face-to-face collaboration, these webinars and virtual sessions, designed to meet the unique needs of each customer, are one way we can continue to contribute to their success in these unprecedented times.”