EuroTier 2022 with guiding theme “Transforming Animal Farming” 


Next EuroTier and EnergyDecentral trade fairs will be held from 15 to 18 November 2022 in Hanover.

The next EuroTier, the world’s leading trade fair for animal farming and livestock management, will take place in 2022 and be held alongside EnergyDecentral, the leading trade fair for decentralized energy supply, from 15 to 18 November 2022 in Hanover, Germany. The organizer DLG (German Agricultural Society) has selected the guiding theme “Transforming Animal Farming” to underpin the technical program.

“Production and value chains, as well as social and environmental demands on livestock farming are constantly evolving,” emphasizes EuroTier project manager Ines Rathke. “Together farmers, farm managers and agricultural companies are actively shaping the future, in management, purchasing and marketing. As an international platform, EuroTier presents innovations and solution strategies – not just for the current hot-button topics,” adds Rathke.

New: Platform for startups

New at EuroTier 2022 is the dedicated start-up area “DLG-AgrifutureLab” for newly-founded innovative companies. This prime location within the trade fair allows both national and international company founders to launch their presence prominently, attracting plenty of footfall. The German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) supports the participation of German startups at the trade fair.

New award: “Agrifuture Concept Winner”

For the first time at EuroTier 2022, DLG will be adding a new award category “Agrifuture Concept Winner” to its EuroTier innovation award scheme. The new award will recognize innovative and pioneering concepts for the animal husbandry of tomorrow. This award category allows exhibitors to submit concepts and future visions that are not yet market-ready and still in the development phase but already demonstrate strong potential for improved professional practice or process optimization.

Virtual industry network “DLG-Connect” – DLG’s online platform

DLG-Connect, DLG’s online platform, is an online professional venue that accompanies DLG’s trade fairs and events in the agricultural, agri-food and food industries, presenting topical and current content relevant to the industry as well as networking and a comprehensive market overview along the value chain.

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