Fieragricola 2020: the countdown has started!



Just a few days to the beginning of Fieragricola 2020, which is being held at the Veronafiere Exhibition Center, Verona, Italy, from January 29th to February 1st.

A strategic display of the poultry sector with latest technologies for breeding and genetics will be the key fair innovation within the livestock area, in a setting dedicated to “joining forces” in order to create different and new opportunities for the poultry supply chain and an innovative market approach.

Fieragricola will also provide a wide offer of educational and training programs for technicians, professionals and farmers, best practices for environmental sustainability and innovations, and excellence award and recognition. The third edition of the prize Avicoltore dell’anno – Farmer of the year, is the Fieragricola award ceremony that aims to value Italian farmers as true players of the poultry supply chain. The prize, which is open to all Unaitalia poultry member farmers, will be awarded to the best stories of virtuous practices in farming linked to 4 specific areas: animal welfare, environmental sustainability, technological innovation and biosecurity. The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday 29th January, during the opening day of the fair.
Fieragricola and Unaitalia will also organize a training day with a special class on animal welfare of broiler breeders. Farm sustainability will be the focus of the SIPA congress, the Italian Society of Avian Pathology, which is being hosted at the Unaitalia Stand.

The agenda also includes an in-depth discussion dedicated to the rabbit supply chain, organized in collaboration with Asic, the Italian scientific association of rabbit farming.
Another interesting event will be dedicated to eggs and their stamping on the farm, for which a ministerial decree is expected to guarantee transparency for consumers and protection as a Made in Italy product.

Finally, the poultry and pig world will meet for a common initiative on the sector challenges and food safety, also focusing on Classyfarm, a system for categorizing the farming risk.


Verona – Veronafiere Exhibition Center
Viale del Lavoro, 8 – Verona

From Wednesday 29th January to Saturday 1st February 2020
From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm
