Replacing current conventional offering, new Efficiency Plus Female bird gives the industry outstanding efficiency throughout the whole production chain.
Hubbard launches a new conventional breeder female, the Hubbard Efficiency Plus. This bird will be commercially available to customers this summer. Part of a long-term research and development strategy, the female delivers efficiency with low cost on all levels of production.
Efficiency Plus
The Hubbard Efficiency Plus represents a perfect blend of advanced breeder and broiler performance. Customers will benefit from high egg and chick numbers, robust broiler growth rate with good health, and a high output of good quality saleable meat. Additionally, excellent feed efficiency results in economic advantages for producers and sustainability for the environment.
Strong R&D support
For years Hubbard has invested in R&D to implement ongoing improvements in their breeding program. After Hubbard was acquired by the Aviagen® Group in February 2018, an additional $10 million was invested to advance the Hubbard conventional breeder research and development base in Walpole, N.H., US.
“Our strategy of developing one conventional female has enabled us to increase our focus on specific selection criteria to bring better performance to customers faster,” said Olivier Rochard, Global Managing Director of Hubbard. “It is through this long-term strategy, combined with R&D investments and implementation of advanced technologies that has resulted in the Hubbard Efficiency Plus.”
With its motto “Your Choice, Our Commitment,” the Hubbard team is proud to offer birds that respond to specific customer needs worldwide for both the select Premium markets, as well as the conventional market segments.
“The Hubbard Efficiency Plus female brings together the traits the industry is looking for in a single multi-purpose bird, with performance efficiency and economic efficiency at all levels of production. Focusing on one conventional breeder female helps to secure the supply of quality breeding stock to our customers around the world,” added David Fyfe, Global Sales & Marketing Director of Hubbard.
For further information, please contact your regional sales representative or: marketing.hubbard@hubbardbreeders.com