Hy-Line International offers exclusive benchmarking program


Vision Egg analyzes customer data to emphasize flock performance and profitability.

Hy-Line International, the global leader in poultry layer genetics, provides unique support to its customers through a performance and profitability benchmarking program, Vision Egg. Vision Egg is a custom diagnostic tool used to analyze data and emphasize flock performance to achieve the highest genetic potential from Hy-Line layers with recommendations connected to customer profitability. All Hy-Line customers are invited to take advantage of this opportunity by sending flock data to their regional business manager or technical service specialist. The information shared with Hy-Line is kept completely confidential. 

“Vision Egg benchmarking is a very strategic tool to identify problems or areas to improve performance and profitability with a presentation that is easy to understand,” said, Vitor Arantes, Global Technical Service Manager. Key performance indicators are analyzed and used for recommendations including hen day percent, eggs per hen, egg weight, body weight, feed consumption and mortality. The data is compared to Hy-Line flocks and regional flock data for direct and precise changes that can lead to greater economic success for the customer. In addition, the data collected for Vision Egg is reviewed by our renowned R&D team to drive our accelerated genetic selections in the future, which continue to benefit our customers.

To take advantage of the unique and exclusive Vision Egg program, customers should contact their regional business manager or technical service specialist. More resources for Hy-Line varieties such as management guides, technical updates, and performance standards for reference can be found online at hyline.com.