Aviagen® has just released two Briefs entitled “Coccidiosis Control in Broiler Breeders with the use of Vaccines” and “Coccidiosis Control in Broilers with the use of Vaccines”.
These documents were written by Jose J. Bruzual, Senior Poultry Veterinarian, and Zoltan Marton, Regional Technical Veterinarian with the Global Veterinary Team. They provide production managers with a solid understanding of the process required for chicks to develop uniform immunity to coccidia through the use of coccidiosis vaccines. The information guides the reader through:
- Proper vaccine handling, storage and administration.
- Effective brooding practices for achieving early immunity.
- Successful vaccine cycling.
Jose Bruzual explains: “Correct management and administration of vaccines, followed by adequate brooding practices, are key to effectively developing early chick immunity and strengthening the intestinal health of the flock.”
You can download your copy here:
Broiler Document Cocci: eu.aviagen.com/assets/Tech_Center/Broiler_Breeder_Tech_Articles/English/AviagenBrief-Coccdiosis-Control-In-Broilers-2020-EN.pdf
Breeder Document Cocci: eu.aviagen.com/assets/Tech_Center/Broiler_Breeder_Tech_Articles/English/AviagenBrief-CoccidiosisControl-in-BroilerBreeders-2020-EN.pdf.