Midwest Poultry Federation announces new dates, new space for 2023 and beyond!


Buffalo, Minnesota: The Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Board of Directors is thrilled to announce its annual convention will officially move upstairs to bigger space at the Minneapolis Convention Center starting in 2023.

“Our new space will allow MPF a bigger and more flexible footprint,” said MPF President Greg Nelson of Manhattan, Kansas, who represents the Kansas Poultry Association on the board. “This includes more exhibit opportunities, keeping all our exhibits in one hall, and being able to provide a larger variety of education and experiences for attendees.”

This change will coincide with a NEW schedule of dates for the MPF Convention – moving to April in 2023.

“The decision to move to April was not taken lightly by the MPF Board,” said Nelson. “After much discussion and planning over the past couple of years, the board was unanimous in its decision to changes its dates.”
This new opportunity to move upstairs to larger space in April at the Minneapolis Convention Center will allow MPF to maximize the space it needs to successfully grow the convention and provide the highest quality experience for attendees. In the past five years, MPF has seen extraordinary growth in all areas of the show – exhibits, attendees, sponsorships, and hotel rooms utilized. Its 2018 convention was named one of the 50 Fastest Growing Trade Shows by Trade Show Executive Magazine.

Future show dates are:

  • April 11-13, 2023 (Tue-Thurs)
  • April 17-19, 2024 (Wed-Fri*) – *Show days shift in 2024 only
  • April 8-10, 2025 (Tue-Thurs)
  • April 14-16, 2026 (Tue-Thurs)

In the meantime, planning continues for the 2020 MPF Convention, which will be held March 17- 19 in its current space at the Minneapolis Convention. The 2020 show features a NEW education schedule and changes for MPF’s major networking events, its kick-off Welcome Reception and a new night and more casual format for MPF Unhatched: An Evening of Eats and Entertainment.
Partnering events include the North Central Avian Disease Conference (March 16-17) and the Organic Egg Farmers of America Symposium (March 17) – both events will be held at the Minneapolis Convention.

Details on all MPF Convention events, education program, exhibitors, registration, and hotel reservations are available at: www.midwestpoultry.com.

New Contact Info for MPF:
MPF has moved so please note a new phone number (763-284-6763) and address (PO Box 265, Buffalo, MN 55313). You may also contact MPF with any questions at info@midwestpoultry.com.