Taking a closer look at the Italian Poultry Industry – Fieravicola 2019

March 27th to 29th, 2019 - Forlì (Italy)


FierAvicola 2019 will be held from 27 to 29 March at the Forlì Exhibition Center in Forlì, Italy. With an exhibition area covering approx. 20.000 sqm, FierAvicola is the leading trade show in Italy for poultry production and processing, and one of Europe’s qualified B2B events for the poultry industry. The biennial event will host some 200 exhibiting companies, of which 25 per cent are from foreign countries. More than 10,000 visits of poultry chain professionals are expected to attend in 2019. Over 140 buyers from organised delegations and a number of European and African poultry professionals, as well as from China and Russia, will attend the exhibition. The event will no longer be just an event for poultry professionals but it will even be a showcase open to the global agriculture and nutrition sector. As the leading trade fair in Italy in its sector, FierAvicola provides a comprehensive overview of innovative technology, services and genetics for modern poultry farming. In 2019, it will further focus on farm inputs such as feeds and ingredients as well as relevant innovative equipment and technology. The event also focuses on a series of high-quality industry conferences and business matchmaking with suppliers and clients.

AGRITECH – Hall B, Stand 1 – www.agritech.it

Since 1987 Agritech has been a leading company in the design and manufacturing of bulk storage systems both for dry and liquid materials in the animal farming sector. Our range of highly resistant fiberglass silos & tanks covers the needs of farmers from 2 to 100 m3 and we also manufacture any kind of bulk material loading and unloading conveyor, such as stationary and portable screw conveyors, feed transport tanks, flex augers. Moreover, our experience in the processing of fiberglass led us to develop a wide program of shelters and modular stables for animals (dairy, swine, poultry) which are also available with proper insulation for severe environmental conditions.

ALI LOHMANN Italy – Hall A, Stand 98 – www.alilohmann.com

At FierAvicola ALI Lohmann Italia will present its two leading products, the Lohmann Brown Classic and LSL Classic Leghorn, both leaders in the Italian market for sales and performance.
Lohmann Brown is characterized by its excellent shell quality in terms of color and resistance, and its unparalleled persistence in production. Its behavioral features make this layer the most suitable for alternative systems.
LSL Classic Leghorn is defined as a “war machine” due to its immense production potential in terms of egg mass and persistent production.

ARION FASOLI – Hall A, Stand 152 – www.arionfasoli.com

At the Fieravicola Forlì, ARION FASOLI s.r.l. will present the new “Trio” and “Eclisse” lines.
Our staff will be happy to welcome customers, visitors and colleagues at our stand to find out more about these new products. 

AVIAGEN Italia – committed to your success – Hall A, Stand 70 www.aviagen.com

The Aviagen Italia team looks forward to seeing you this year in Forlì! Whether you are a customer or industry colleague, Aviagen is committed to your success. We welcome you to stand XX, featuring the Ross® 308 and 708, and Rowan Range® slower-growing birds. Our birds are bred for performance and efficiency, coupled with strong health and welfare to benefit producers throughout Italy and beyond.

Aviagen Turkeys – Hall A, Stand 70 – www.aviagenturkeys.com

Aviagen Turkeys Ltd selection objectives are driven by consumer demand for welfare friendly, ethically sustainable, value for money breeds.
Our breeding programmes are focused on continuous improvements to productivity and efficiency, to bring down production cost whilst maintaining the highest focus on bird health and welfare.
Performance levels of the BUT 6 continue to improve at both breeder and commercial level to ensure satisfaction at all levels of production.
Driving innovation, research and performance for turkey producers worldwide.

AZA INTERNATIONAL – Hall D, Stand 35 – www.azainternational.it

AZA INTERNATIONAL, founded towards the end of the 1950s, has always been recognized as a leader in the production of systems for the transportation and automatic distribution of animal feeds.
Following the interest for the AZA products by the visitors at the last fairs (EuroTier, and VIV), during FierAvicola, which will be held in Forli from March 27th to 29th, AZA INTERNATIONAL has decided to propose the same complete new large-scale conveyor system series and all its innovative linear feeders and hoppers, designed specifically for the needs of broiler breeders, laying hens, breeders, roosters, ducks and turkeys.
The large-capacity conveyors, up to 12 cubic meters / hour are available in chain and 76 and 114 diameters. All made of top quality materials, they are available in different sizes shapes and materials depending on the type of product to be conveyed. They represent the proper solution for those customers who need to transport relevant quantities of feed from one or more loading points to one or more unloading points. They are ideal for the cage sector, where there is the need to quickly transport large quantities of feed without damage, as is the case with spiral plants.

BD Agriculture Italy – Hall D, Stand 40 – www.bigdutchman.it

BD Agriculture Italy s.r.l. “Company subsidiary” of Big Dutchman AG will be present this year as well, at the 51st edition of Fieravicola. Our headquarters in Castiglione Delle Stiviere (MN) have sales offices, technicians, showrooms and a warehouse for spare parts and small orders. Starting in 2015, Big Dutchman AG decided to divide the technical-commercial area into three divisions. These distinct units have been projected to design, develop and market products for different farming systems. The three divisions (Business Unit = BU) are:
Egg BU: table egg production production;
BU Poultry: meat production poultry;
BU Pig: pigs production.
This organizational model ensures greater staff’s specialization and professionalism with the aim of getting even closer to the farmers’ needs. Since 2017, the vide range of Big Dutchman products has also been enriched with poultry house construction to offer turnkey projects for all three divisions. This, in order to aim, once again, at the product innovation and quality which customers can see first-hand by visiting our stand:

BU Egg:

  • Natura 70;
  • Natura Nova Twin;
  • Natura Step;
  • Natura Primus – pullet rearing aviary system;
  • LED lighting for poultry farms with our FlexLED and Zeus lamps;
  • Ventilation projects;
  • Turnkey Building Projects.

BU Poultry:

  • Relax: the nest – entirely in plastic – for breeders;
  • Male Chain: Feed chain for breeding cocks;
  • Automatic chain feeding system for breeder hens and laying hens;
  • Fluxx 330 and Fluxx 360 chicken feeder;
  • IMPERATOR turkey feeders;
  • Nipple drinkers;
  • LED lighting for poultry farms with our FlexLED and Zeus lamps;
  • Customized ventilation projects;
  • Turnkey Bilding Projects.

Let yourself be advised by our experts who will be available during the fair!

Cobb-Vantress – Hall A, Stand 173 – www.cobb-vantress.com

Cobb-Vantress, Inc. is the world’s oldest pedigree broiler breeding company. Founded in 1916, Cobb has grown into one of the world’s leading suppliers of broiler breeding stock with distribution into over 120 countries. Cobb has contributed to the dynamic efficiency and growth of an industry that has transformed chicken into an economically affordable healthy protein source for many of the over 7 billion people in the world.

CODAF – Hall A, Stand 150 – www.codaf.net

Innovative range of Gió feeding-pans series confirms its setting out characteristic to have an easier access to the feed.
With an easy and rapid cleaning at the end of the cycle, Gió feeding-pans produce a better uniformity of the reared animals rending these pans always more requested and diffused all over the world.


CORTI ZOOTECNICI – Hall C, Stand 33 – www.cortizootecnici.com

Corti Zootecnici Srl, world leader in poultry equipment with over 40 years of experience, proudly confirms its participation at Fieravicola 2019.

We are daily committed to research innovative solutions and in the 2019’s edition, we will show:

  • 4006 i MULTI-FLOW: the new total steel nipple drinker with a perfect capacity and extra-soft opening action.
  • INFINITY TZC3: the new smaller pan feeder optimized for the perfect growth-curve along the whole life cycle.

Find out more at our booth! (C 33).

EUROSILOS SIRP – Hall C, Stand 32 – www.eurosilos.it

The company Eurosilos SIRP produces modular fiberglass reinforced silos that represent the technological evolution of robotic production, are made in full compliance with the international static standards and are a solution for any type of bulk material. The company also offers monolithic, one-piece silos, mainly directed to the Italian market that are delivered with company trucks and placed on site by specialized personnel.
We also provide innovative and tailor-made transport solutions to fill and unload our fiberglass containers, such as tubular conveyors, flexible augers and bulk tank cars. Our storage facilities have all quality certifications and fulfill any requirements for the suitability of feed for every type of livestock production: poultry, dairy, pig and cereal industry.
Eurosilos SIRP will be present at FierAvicola 2019 Pavilion C, Stand 32, proud and pleased to share their knowledge on feed management and storage automation. For more information, go to www.eurosilos.it or send the request to contatti@eurosilos.it.

FACCO – Hall B, Stand 60 – www.facco.net

FACCO introduces LIBERA DECK: the innovative system on three levels for layer birds.
It blends together:

  • Large areas on each level;
  • Vertical expansion of the structure;
  • Staggered floor levels to maximize free bird movement;
  • Comfortable Family nests for a higher egg quality.

Libera Deck combines a higher bird housing density with a great bird welfare to maximize results for our customers.

HUBBARD Premium; Your Choice, Our Commitment! – Hall A, Stand 165 – www.hubbardbreeders.com

Hubbard, global leader in the Premium market, offers a wide range of products with colour differentiation, slow(er) growth and excellent robustness responding to increasing consumer demand for higher animal welfare standards combined with quality and taste.

HY-LINE International, for over 80 years at the forefront of genetic progress – Hall A Stand 70 – www.hyline.com

Hy-Line will be present at the next FieraAvicola presenting its egg commercial stock, developed to guarantee the highest level of production efficiency and profitability.

Hy-Line products ensure:

  • high productivity;
  • exceptional vitality;
  • attitude for alternative farming systems;
  • excellent shell quality.

Hy-Line offers the ideal layer for the European market. Hy-Line Brown and Hy-Line White fully meet the need of an increasingly demanding market oriented towards sustainable and environmentally friendly production systems.

News from LOMAR – Hall A, Stand 136 – www.poultryledlights.com

After three years of tests and field trials, Lomar Elettronica s.r.l. takes the opportunity offered by FierAvicola 2019 to present its new line of patented UV light illuminators, designed as active adjuvants in the disinfection of poultry farms against the action of lice, salmonella, etc. The company will be pleased to welcome visitors and customers at their stand where they can display their new line of lamps and others innovations.

LUBING SYSTEM – Hall C, Stand 11 – www.lubingsystem.com

Lubing System srl, a well-known company that manufactures and sells drinking, climate and conveyor systems, presents the latest products for conveyors at the Fieravicola Forlì. The egg counter EMEC counts the transported eggs on the LUBING conveyor system with an accuracy of 99.8%. The Lift columns allow to adjust the height of the conveyor system so that each tier can be collected separately.

MAREL POULTRY, Keep Control at Fieravicola – Hall C, Stand 54 – www.marel.com/poultry

During the Fieravicola exhibition, Marel Poultry is proud to highlight its latest, innovative developments. The main focus will be on poultry processing with capacities reaching up to 15,000 bph, while keeping full control of all operations. To Marel Poultry, 15,000 bph is a proven solution, which has all systems set for optimal efficiency and highest quality standards without compromises: from live bird handling to chilling and distribution line. Important components that “think fast” in such a high-speed line are LineLink transfer units and Innova software – both adding to full traceability.

MBE – Hall A, Stand 104 – www.mbefabriano.it

MBE, leader in the field of livestock equipment, designs and produces technological equipment for intensive and extensive farming. MBE srl is based in Fabriano (An – Italy) and distributed in Italy and in various European countries in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. For a long time they have been supplying “turnkey” systems for aviculture and zootechnics in general, creating prefabricated poultry sheds and stables of all types and sizes. They also offer a complete line of technologically advanced and reliable equipment, which can enable customers to get the best results from their broiler, turkeys, quails and poultry, as well as rabbits farms. The company is a family business with 40 years of experience in the sector, with two generations operating for the continuous innovation in poultry farming. They provide zootechnical projects of any complexity and size, studied and realized with detail attention in every single phase: from planning with an internal technical study, to the production of structural parts, from plant engineering to farming equipment, from assembly work to the customer’s technical personnel training. Today the company has further expanded and is the Italian official distributor of Vencomatic, a world leader in innovative solutions for poultry farming.

From NEWPHARM insecticides and biological acarids and detergents natural in poultry farming – Padiglione A, Stand 170 – www.newpharm.itwww.progettoacaro.it

At FierAvicola, Newpharm, an Italian company, leading in the production and marketing of solutions for disinfestation and environmental disinfection, will display a range of green, effective and safe products. The company looks forward with their low environmental impact solutions and proposes two new products for controlling poultry mite in farms: InsectoSec®, the only available registered biological acaricidal which can be used even with animals in farm; and Vegenet® Avi Bio, with 100% active ingredients of natural origin.
Among all the ecological cleaners Végémat® (ECOCERT certified) has a high degreasing action, it can be used throughout the poultry chain for daily cleaning (including mechanical) of surfaces, cages, machinery and tools. FlyREX®, an ecological fly kill insecticide, represents a new solution to effectively fight flies in farms.

OMAZ – Padiglione A, Stand 145 – www.omaz.com

OMAZ will participate in the 51st edition of the Fieravicola of Forlì presenting the latest innovative systems designed to meet the new needs of the poultry market. The Open Space aviary line is constantly updated: just see the “Discovery” system, for total freedom of the hens always keeping the control of the animals, and the “Nursery” model, an aviary system for pullet rearing with an exclusive OMAZ patent.

RIVER SYSTEMS – Hall C, Stand 70 – www.riversystems.it

River Systems’ team welcomes customers and visitors to share the latest innovations in the field of incubation. The range of Egg Tech incubators is being extended with the versions treated with the antibacterial additive BiomasterTM. It is a safe and effective system for controlling the proliferation of harmful bacteria. These incubators are also compatible with the ultrasonic humidifier Nebula.

SIME-TEK – Hall B, Stand 30 – www.sime-tek.com

Since 1997, SIME-TEK has been working hard to provide small to medium sized businesses the possibility to automate their production like the big companies. This year, following the path of innovation that lead us throughout the past 20 years, they will present our new line of automation systems that will give the chance to small and medium size farmers to automate their processes.

SKA – Hall B, Stand 41 – www.ska.it

SKA manufactures the widest range of poultry floor equipment for floor rearing.
Since 1954 we work with passion and enthusiasm to provide solutions to meet the needs of each producer.
With our inventions and continuous technical innovations we ensure high quality products all made in Italy. See you at Fiera Avicola from 27th to 14th March 2019, Booth 41, Hall B.

SPECHT Ten Elsen GmbH & Co. KG – Hall D, Stand 31 – www.specht-tenelsen.de

SPECHT Ten Elsen GmbH & Co. KG is a leading developer and manufacturer of poultry equipment and provides a great variety of aviary and floor management systems for commercial layer eggs and rearing.
Apart from this product range, SPECHT offers the complete equipment as ventilation, heating, feed storage and transport systems.

SPEROTTO SPA – Hall B, Stand 81 – wwwsperotto-spa.com

The experience of SPEROTTO SPA in the poultry industry, coming from 55 years of activity in close contact with poultry farmers, has led to the planning and realization of:

  • ASTRA, the NEW HOPPER FOR BROILERS patented in 2018, which prevents animals from remaining in the dish from the first days, keeping the feed always clean and drastically reducing waste, also thanks to the simultaneous regulation of the feed level on the whole line.
  • NYDO 2: the new nest with lateral egg collection belts that allows an increase in the number of animals that can be stored up to 35%, in full compliance with European legislation.

Preview at Fieravicola 2019!

TECNOCLIMA S.p.A.: heating systems for poultry – Hall B, Stand 10 – www.tecnoclimaspa.com

Tecnoclima S.p.A. will be present at the next FierAvicola in Forlì with its highly efficient heating products for poultry: the new Ekocikki compact warm air heater with heat exchanger for outdoor installation with blown burner, the bestseller Supercikki 80 and the Aquacikki water air heaters.
The company will be happy to welcome customers and visitors at its stand N°10 hall B to provide all the necessary information.

Bábolna TETRA providing layers with superior genetic background to the industry for over 50 years – Hall A, Stand 59 –

The company offers a bird for every market and management systems, along with an effective technical support in more than 40 countries. The target of Bábolna TETRA layer breeding has not changed much throughout the last decade; finding balance between welfare and economical production and increasing its share in the global market by predicting future trends of the sector. The latest generation of their most popular product; TETRA SL LL lays 420 good quality eggs until 90 liveweeks, with low mortality and excellent internal and external egg quality in alternative systems. TETRA Amber, TETRA Harco are popular brown egg layers for small scale farms. TETRA L Superb, now ready to conquer the white markets with 410 eggs laid until 90 weeks of age. TETRA-H, SUPER HARCO and HB Color are slow and medium-growing broilers, with premium meat quality. Please visit us next time in Italy at Fieravicola, Forli between March 27-29, 2019, in Hall A, Booth 59.

TEZZA – Hall A, Stand 103 – www.tezza.it

Tezza srl is present at FierAvicola of Forlì, a crucial scenario for all the companies specializing in the poultry sector.
It will be an opportunity to establish fundamental business relationships, to present the new Roxell, Vencomatic, Prinzen and many other products, and to celebrate together Tezza’s 50th year of activity in poultry sector.

VALLI – Hall D, Stand 58 – www.vally-italy.com

VALLI, attending more than 70 countries around the world for over 60 years, has anticipated for years recent market demands with a wide range of EQUIPMENT in VOLIERA for both PULLETS and LAYER HENS. The excellent performance and the satisfaction of our customers, are the best guarantee in offering high quality products with high profitability.

VALLI is also pleased to present the new “ONDA” egg elevator, designed to obtain the best performances. Simple, sturdy and maintenance-free: suitable for hard daily work.

VENCOMATIC: Managing aviary birds is easier than you think – Hall A, Stand 103 – www.vencomaticgroup.com/en

The Bolegg Gallery is Vencomatics multi-tier aviary system for layers that combines user friendliness with a clever and economic design. While birds can follow their natural behaviour resulting in optimal laying performance, it allows you to collect eggs in an efficient way, preserving the quality after lay.

VICTORIA – Hall B, Stand 58 – www.incubatricivictoria.com

Victoria, an Italian Company specialized in Poultry incubators manufacturer since 1924 will take part to “Fiera Avicola 2019”. The Group, which operates internationally, bases its corporate strategy of the uniqueness for its incubators, which are the most advanced and sophisticated available on the market today.

In occasion of the show, Victoria will be proud to introduce its new Incubator line for large capacities, their relevant organic satiniser “ASPIDA” for hatchery disinfection and an innovative system called SANIDUCT for clean and healthier air. SaniDucts is the perfection solution to prevent contaminants growth and will kill up to 99,97 % of all airborne microorganism. Contaminants get killed instantly on passing through the energy chamber generated by our UV enhanced technology. SainDuct can be easily fixed by inserting our advanced UV-C tubes with attached control box into Your existing air-conditioning duct.

VITALAC D2 – Hall A, Stand 95 – www.uvlsrl.it

The intensive farming exposes animals to imbalance in the intestinal ecosystem between useful and harmful microorganisms.
The intestinal dysbiosis causes bad intestinal fermentation and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, poor nutrients absorption, diarrhoea, poor production yield and use of antibiotics.
VITALAC D2 guarantees a better balance of the microbiota between probiotic lactobacilli, like Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CECT 4529 (isolated from the chicken intestine), and putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms.

+ Animal health
+ Nutrients absorption
+ Dryer droppings
+ Yield

Intestinal dysbiosis/diarrhoea
Morbidity/mortality of the flocks
– Ammonia emissions