The Australian Poultry Science Symposium is the premier avian science conference in Australia and attracts delegates from across Australia and from all around the World.
Over 60 peer reviewed papers and posters will be presented across the 3 day event. The paper submission portal will be open for 3 months this year, so anyone who is hoping to be included in next year’s symposium, make sure that you start writing up your research outcomes and submitting your papers.
Please remember that once your paper has been accepted, you must make the committment to attend and present your paper at APSS 2020 (16th-19th Feb, 2020). Authors who fail to register by the Author Registration Deadline, will have their paper removed from the program and will not be published the the APSS Proceedings.
For paper submission: https://www.apss2020.com.au/paper-submission
Important key dated for authors:
30th September, 2019 – Paper Submission Portal Closes (at Midnight AEST)
- Full paper submission deadline, acceptance of submissions made after this date will be at the discretion of the Organising Committee.
1st October, 2019 – Online Registration Portal Opens
- Credit card payment will be required when registering online. If you are unable to register online or need to register prior to October for visa purposes, please contact Benjamin Geist for a manual registration form.
13th December, 2019 – Author Registration Deadline
- Registraton to be completed by authors with accepted papers for presentation otherwise they will be withdrawn from the program.
For more information please contact:
Tel.: +61 2 9351 1656
Email: benjamin.geist@sydney.edu.au