Aviagen President of International Business Bob Dobbie to Retire


Aviagen customers in Asia Pacific benefit from his commitment, expertise and passion.
After more than 43 years of dedicated service to the global poultry industry, Bob Dobbie will retire from his role as Aviagen® President of International Business as of August of this year.  The recruitment process for the right candidate to meet the unique challenges of this role is already well underway.
Due to Bob’s strong leadership, expertise and commitment, Aviagen’s global business has grown right along with the success of its customers. Among his strengths are the ability to build the right team to take on the developing region’s unique challenges, while providing customers with excellent care. Through his closeness with the region’s producers, he has insight into their unique needs, and he and his team continually share with them the knowledge and expertise to strengthen the performance, health and welfare of their birds, while maximizing the profitability of their operations.

Bob Dobbie

Rich and productive career
Bob has enjoyed a vast and well-rounded career in the industry. He started in 1977 with Ross® and Aviagen on the hatchery side of the business, and then moved to breeder farms, production, customer service and finally into commercial management responsibilities. He has been a regional manager in Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America, and was directly involved in acquisitions and start-ups in Turkey, Brazil, India, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand plus the integration of the Indian River® and Arbor Acres® businesses before moving into his current role.

Commitment to training the future

Bob believes that education is key to the sustainability of the global poultry industry, and has always been an executive sponsor of the long-standing Aviagen Production Management School. He sees the School’s enormous benefit in helping to build the next generation of poultry industry leaders. And, he recognizes the School’s importance in providing a forum for sharing knowledge to help producers optimize the productivity of their operations at home, while at the same time forming lasting relationships with industry colleagues.

Invaluable contribution to industry as a whole
Aviagen CEO reflects on Bob’s immense dedication and larger-than-life personality. “Bob is well-liked by colleagues and customers alike, and we will all miss his tenacity, straightforward way of communicating, in-depth knowledge and insight, and sense of humor. He genuinely cares about people. He appreciates diversity and diverse cultures, and has the special ability to feel at home anywhere in the world,” remarked Aviagen CEO Jan Henriksen. “We thank him for his contribution to our company, our customers, and our industry.”
Until a new president of International Business is named, our in-country teams will keep providing excellence in service to enable customers throughout Australia, New Zealand, India and China to advance their businesses.