VIV Asia 2019 was a great success for Aviagen® Asia. Hundreds of guests visited the Aviagen booth during Asia’s leading international feed-to-food show, which took place March 13-15 April in Bangkok.
At the opening ceremony, Aviagen’s Dr. Rafael Monleon, Business Manager, Asia Pacific, was awarded the International Hatchery Practice – VIV Asian Poultry Breeder Personality Award 2019 by the Positive Action (PAP) Asian Personality.
The Aviagen Asia team shared the latest Arbor Acres®, Indian River® and Ross® brand developments, focusing on the benefits of these brands for broiler and breeder customers serving local markets. Aviagen birds are popular throughout Asia for their market leading chick production, strong livability, environmental resistance and feed efficiency.
The Asia team successfully kicked off the show by hosting a welcome dinner. Additionally, several events were organized to further promote networking and information sharing.
Field trials at BARC
A major highlight was a visit to the Bangkok Animal Research Center (BARC), providing customers with a unique opportunity to witness field trials. The trials featured Aviagen and competitor broilers under both open-house and environmentally controlled conditions and under various nutritional and management strategies.
Strengthening performance
A large number of customers gathered with Aviagen global experts for separate Arbor Acres, Indian River and Ross breakout sessions. Together they explored the latest management advice to maximize breeder and broiler performance.
Meeting of great minds
Aviagen global experts joined other industry specialists to look at key management and disease issues affecting the bottom line for Asia broiler breeder producers. Dominic Elfick, International Product Manager, Aviagen Asia Pacific, spoke on the role of genetics in bird health, welfare and performance, and Aviagen Global Head of Veterinary Services, Dr. Nick Dorko discussed biosecurity and other measures to support disease prevention.
The cornerstone of the company’s global leadership is its strong relationship with customers in more than 100 countries around the globe. In each location, support teams work hand-in-hand with customers to solve their daily challenges and promote their bottom line.
“Our corporate vision is to be the world’s preferred supplier of quality broiler breeding stock, and our strong relationships with our customers around the globe are key to our success. For this reason, VIV Asia is very important to us, as it gives us an ideal opportunity to meet with our customers, listen to their challenges, and strengthen our breeding program with their valuable input,” explained Dr. Rafael Monleon. “I look forward to VIV Asia 2021, as well as numerous other opportunities to meet with our Asia customers and industry colleagues.”