Cobb Releases New Management Guides


Cobb-Vantress announced the release of new management guides and product supplements as part of the company’s enhancements to its Cobb Academy program. These resources were updated to reflect top-performing flocks, and provide best practices and recommendations to help maximize genetic potential.

The refreshed management guides and supplements are presented in a color-coded format to ensure that customers and distributors are able to easily find the information they need. All materials were crafted by Cobb’s world technical support and regional technical teams. This highly specialized international group covers a range of disciplines including hatchery, breeder and broiler management; microbiology; veterinary medicine; nutrition; environmental control; and processing.
We’re committed to the success of our customers, taking every action we can to help them succeed and maximize the genetic potential of their flocks — and ultimately their bottom line,” said Robin Jarquin, director of world technical support at Cobb-Vantress.We know our management guides and supplements are an important resource and a popular feature with our customers, so we hope they enjoy the updated materials complete with current data and newly available best practices compiled by our team of experts. We are committing to updating these materials more frequently to ensure our customers always have the best information for their operations.”

Cobb’s team updated nine management guides in total, including:

  • Broiler Management Guide
  • Cobb500 supplements:
    1. Cobb500 Slow Feather Breeder Management Supplement
    2. Cobb500 Slow Feather Parent Laying/Rearing Chart (available in pounds and grams)
    3. Cobb500 Fast Feather Breeder Management Supplement
    4. Cobb500 Fast Feather Parent Laying/Rearing Chart (available in pounds and grams)
    5. Cobb500 Broiler Performance and Nutrition Supplement
  • Cobb700 supplements:
    1. Cobb700 Breeder Management Supplement
    2. Cobb700 Parent Laying/Rearing Chart (available in pounds and grams)
  • CobbMV Male Supplement

Cobb updated these materials as part of its effort to enhance its Academy portal (available at, an extensive database of knowledge collected from Cobb experts across the globe. In addition to management guides and supplements, Cobb Academy also features a library of articles highlighting the latest technical information and industry best practices, as well as a series of videos sharing information directly from the company’s experts.
Management guides are currently available in English, with select pieces in Spanish. Soon, all management guides will be available in the various languages Cobb supports.