Pas Reform Academy organized a three-day hatchery training program in collaboration with Tyson Foods.
Royal Pas Reform recognizes the crucial importance of staff operational and technical skills in the success of any hatchery operation.
To this end, Pas Reform Academy recently organized a three-day hatchery training program in collaboration with Tyson Foods, one of the world’s largest processors and marketers of chicken, delivering both classroom training and hands-on practical hatchery sessions.
More than 20 team members from nine Tyson Foods and Cobb-Vantress hatcheries were invited to the state-of-the-art Tyson hatchery in Humboldt, Tennessee. The interactive, hands-on training program revolved around incubation, technical support and engineering efficiencies and was tailor made to fit Tyson’s needs.
The program focused on the latest insights in incubation technology, combined in a series of theoretical and practical exercises, where participants learned from Pas Reform Academy’s trainers and shared experiences with other professional hatchery personnel.
The training began with an exploration of factors affecting hatching egg quality, with particular attention given to egg handling, sanitation and storage. A detailed presentation and practical applications in embryology followed, to form a solid foundation for group discussions on how to optimize support for the embryo during incubation.
The classroom presentations were by Royal Pas Reform’s Senior Poultry Specialist, Gerd de Lange, Incubation Specialist Eline Holtslag and HVAC specialist Niek Yntema, with additional presentations from Dale Maloney (Daikin) and Dr. Mike Wineland.
The second and third day involved hands-on training in the Tyson hatchery. This included embryology, measuring egg-shell temperature, break out of clears and hatch debris, HVAC, egg-handling automation, in-ovo injection and transfer, and setter management. For this, the Royal Pas Reform training team was joined by Global Installation Manager Emiel Fieldt, Regional Sales Director Walt Wages and Incubation Specialists Rickey Cates and Terry Doss.
Eline Holtslag comments: “Pas Reform Academy has developed this interactive, ‘hands-on’ hatchery management training program to help support customers with high-quality content, based on the latest developments and insights. Our aim is to enhance the technical understanding and operational skills of key hatchery professionals, in order to deliver the highest number of best-quality chicks.”
Interested in hatchery management training for your team? Contact Pas Reform Academy: https://www.pasreform.com/en/page/2/training