Ovostella chooses Eurosilos Sirp fiberglass silos


The Ovostella agricultural company of Ghedi (BS) is a historic user of Eurosilos Sirp fiberglass silos. We interviewed the owner, Domenico Varini , to understand the reasons for this choice and the advantages that this product choice offers them.

Domenico Varini is the owner together with Monica Varini of the Ovostella agricultural company located in Ghedi, in the province of Brescia. The company operates in the poultry sector, in particular in the breeding of laying hens, and was founded in 1976 by Bruno and Luigi Varini.
“Over the years there have been various moments of change – explains Mr. Varini – but one event in particular, the big snowfall of 1985, made it necessary to rebuild several seriously damaged buildings. This was an opportunity to start again with innovation and new projects. Another milestone in the history of our company was 2013, the year in which we invested in the renovation of all company systems with Valli technologies, to comply with animal welfare regulations. Finally, in 2020 we implemented free-range farming. Today my cousin Monica and I raise around 68,000 red feathered laying hens for consumption of the fresh eggs, two thirds of which are free-range.”

How long have you been using Fiberglass silos?
“We are historical users of Fiberglass silos as we recognize their excellent physical and mechanical properties and, until 2020, we installed monolithic models. Visiting the Eurosilos Sirp stand at the VIV Europe 2018 fair, in Utrecht, we reviewed for the first time the European Millennium (MEP) models. The structure, composed of two horizontally bolted segments, has excellent characteristics in terms of solidity and robustness, which convinced us to test this innovative solution for storing our feed. We therefore took the opportunity to renew our systems on our path towards on the “floor farming” and switch to Millennium silos. For three years, therefore, we have been integrating a chain of 4-22 m3 MEP silos into our automatic daily feed transportation and distribution system. During the design phase we particularly appreciated the flexibility of the new silos and the technical support received from the Eurosilos Sirp staff, which allowed us to adapt, with some technical input, the new with our present set up.”

What are the methods of use and the advantages of Eurosilos Sirp products?
“The diet of the Ovostella chickens includes mash feed – continues the owner – except for rare occasions in which, for animal health reasons, we have to switch to rations with crumbled ingredients. We have made the choice to assign two silos to each group on our farm – this way we can always keep one empty and one full to alternate the loading of the feed, This takes place twice a week with the feed being fed into the top of the silo from the feed truck. The feeding frequency varies depending on the number of birds in each group and ranges from 4 to 5 feedings per day. On the maintenance front, the MEP models are practical and functional, and conform to current legal requirements, including washing at the end of the cycle and periodic checks of the bolts and structure of the silos. We are also helped in this sense by the alternation of the two silos in which one always remains empty and as such can enjoy a longer period of cleansing and airing.”
“Another advantage of MEPs – explains Domenico Varini – for us is the transparency of the silos, which allows us to immediately see the level of feed inside each silo. This does contribute in a small way to company planning, when added to the advanced level of the technology we have at our disposal. Lastly, the robustness of this system leaves us calm in the face of the frequent extreme weather events that affect our area. In short, I consider it a long-term investment in the effectiveness and safety in our daily work.”

Why did you choose Eurosilos Sirp?
“The choice was made by virtue of a historic relationship, consolidated over the years with the founder of Eurosilos Sirp, Mario Telefri, and continues with the current management and with the company’s technical and commercial representatives. The technical characteristics of the Millennium silos, presented to us during the meeting at VIV Europe, particularly impressed us and we have chosen to confirm this collaboration in the name of innovation. Without forgetting, of course, the importance of human relationships and the availability of Eurosilos Sirp staff.”

The characteristics of the European Millennium Silos – MEP
New generation silos, the European Millennium model (MEP) is a horizontal bolted silo with two parts (an upper cylindrical and a lower conical) both equipped with an external joint, which allows them to be joined without directly drilling the walls.
Does not require internal paraffin treatment as the interior is perfectly smooth.
MEP silos are certified as per European standards.
Silos can be delivered already assembled (in the case of small units) or delivered disassembled by truck.
The range of Eurosilos Sirp go from 5mc to 53mc and have recently undergone technical updating to ensure further customer satisfaction.
Eurosilos Sirp offer 360 degree consultancy service including tailor-made design and construction for both rigid and flexible screw conveyor systems along with a wide range of accessories.

The reasons for choosing fibreglass
The multiple physical-mechanical properties enjoyed by fibreglass make it an unique composite material which performs better than other materials such as steel for example. In particular:
– It is more resistant to atmospheric agents and as such it is more resistant to corrosion than metals which guarantee its longevity.
– Fibreglass has a high ratio between mechanical resistance and weight and consequently for the same weight it is more resistant than a steel product.
– Reduced weight accompanied by exceptional mechanical characteristics makes fibreglass products easy to handle.
